At Facebook, we are committed to help build safe, healthy and supportive digital communities. In order to do this, we need to think about the skills and support that people need to build healthy relationships, stay safe, find greater wellbeing, build resilience, lead with empathy, communicate across diverse cultures, respect other perspectives, think critically about how they contribute to society and work together to make positive progress in communities around the world, online and off.

That’s why we have collaborated with experts to develop ‘Get Digital’—a new program that provides research-informed lessons, tips and resources that will help parents, schools and young people develop the skills they need to become wise, competent and responsible digital citizens who creatively, compassionately and safely use, control and build technology to improve individual and community prosperity, and wellbeing.


Organizations that help make this possible

International Society for Technology in Education

We believe that digital citizenship and well-being are critical for today’s students and tomorrow’s leaders. Young people need to be able to discern fact from fiction, productively navigate relationships online and offline, and use technology to champion the change they want to see in the world. That’s why ISTE and a coalition of cross-sector partners created DigCitCommit, which provides school communities with five new digital citizenship competencies, inclusive, informed, engaged, balanced and alert – as well as the tools and resources needed to support all young people in becoming healthy, productive. empathetic and engaged digital citizens.

UNESCO Institute for Information Technologies in Education

The UNESCO Institute for Information Technologies in Education (UNESCO IITE) works with multiple partners to facilitate the innovative use of information and communication technologies (ICT) to enhance inclusion and equity in education and lifelong learning, empower teachers to improve the quality of education by promoting ICT-enabled pedagogies and best practices, and to foster the potential of ICT for education transformation through global dialogue and networking for achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 on Education (SDG4).

National PTA

National PTA® comprises millions of families, students, teachers, administrators, and business and community leaders devoted to being a powerful voice for all children, a relevant resource for families and communities, and a strong advocate for public education. The association has been working for a number of years to explore and address online safety issues and has been at the forefront of helping parents and kids navigate the digital landscape together. National PTA does not endorse any commercial product or entity. No endorsement of Facebook is implied.


EVERFI is an international technology company driving social change through education to address the most challenging issues affecting society ranging from financial wellness to prescription drug safety to workplace conduct and other critical topics. Founded in 2008, EVERFI is fueled by its Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) community engagement platform and has reached more than 30 million learners globally. Recognized as one of the World's Most Innovative Companies by Fast Company in 2020, EVERFI powers community engagement in a sustained manner to empower individuals and organizations to make an impact within their communities.

Greater Good Science Center at UC Berkeley

The Greater Good Science Center (GGSC) studies the psychology, sociology, and neuroscience of wellbeing and teaches skills that foster a thriving, resilient and compassionate society. The GGSC is unique in its commitment to both science and practice: Not only do we sponsor groundbreaking scientific research into social and emotional wellbeing, we help people apply this research to their personal and professional lives.

Teaching Tolerance

Teaching Tolerance’s mission is to help teachers and schools educate children and youth to be active participants in a diverse democracy.

Net Family News

Founded by writer, consultant and youth advocate Anne Collier, The Net Safety Collaborative is a 501c3 nonprofit organization formed to document developments at the intersection of youth and digital technologies. One expression of that work is, which Collier started in 1999. She also serves as a consultant to social media platforms on youth digital-age safety, literacy and citizenship and serves on the trust and safety advisory boards of Facebook, Google, Snapchat, Twitter and Yubo.

Micro:bit Educational Foundation

The Micro:bit Educational Foundation is a not-for-profit organization with the vision of inspiring every child to create their best digital future. Originally developed by the BBC, the micro:bit is a pocket-sized computer that makes learning coding easy and fun while enabling students to express their creativity. The micro:bit is available in over 70 countries with a large community of organizations providing teaching resources, software editors and hardware accessories.

Beyond Differences

Beyond Differences™ is a student-led social justice movement that is changing the culture of middle schools through student leadership on campus and online! Through their initiatives Be Kind Online™, No One Eats Alone® and Know Your Classmates™ students are empowered to end social isolation in their schools. Beyond Differences is creating a world where every child is accepted, valued and included by their peers no matter what their differences.

Yale Center for Emotional Intelligence, Yale University

The Yale Center for Emotional Intelligence uses the power of emotions to create a more effective and compassionate society. The Center conducts research and teaches people of all ages how to develop their emotional intelligence.

Fondazione Carolina

Fondazione Carolina gathers the message of a girl who is no longer there, who has entered the heart of the new generations. Her story, which has become an icon, recalls all the beauty, love and joy of life that we can compromise with a single click. Our mission is to create a future in which Internet is a safe "place" for children and adolescents, rediscovering the value of authentic relationships even on social networks.


A non-profit organization which has been advancing education for wise use of the Internet since 1998. Eshnav's educational vision is to develop and implement blended learning experiences, which are based on new media technologies, in order to arise awareness to the benefits and risks risk of the internet. We accompany our educational projects by research of their impact. Eshnav was founded by Dr. Avshalom Aderet and is being managed by Dr. Sagit Zilberberg.

Habitat Association

Habitat Association is an NGO (Non-Governmental Organization) which develops and conducts social impact-oriented and capacity-building projects in coherence with the digitalizing world. Habitat is based on strong partnerships aiming sustainable development in fields of technology, entrepreneurship and financial awareness among all segments of the society. It was founded in 1997 by the youth who first came together in 1995 at Copenhagen Social Development Summit and then in 1996 at United Nations Habitat II Summit. Founding vision of Habitat was binding the youths of the world and Turkey together. In line with this vision and with purposes of building the capacity of the youth and going into international partnerships, Habitat has developed many projects and programmes.

The Smile of the Child

"The Smile of the Child" was created in 1995 by 10-year-old Andreas Yannopoulos, who, shortly before leaving from life, expressed in his diary his wish to found an organization that will ensure for all children what he had so generously enjoyed: love, affection, care and respect. "The Smile of the Child", recognized internationally, with a Vision: the Smile of every child, implements nationwide, 365 days a year and 24 hours a day, effective and direct actions for preventing and addressing particular phenomena that threaten children. Children victims of any form of violence, missing children, children with health problems, children living in poverty or threatened by poverty, have found a solution.


Skool has been helping children engage in the world of computer coding since 2014 and has provided innovative technology sessions for free from the start in collaboration with leading companies in the tech sector in Hungary. In recent years, Skool has also delivered programming, state-of-the-art technologies to orphanages and disadvantaged areas through a number of unique initiatives, and its target audience and start-up mission - girls ’programming education - is constantly expanding.

Simbioza Genesis, social enterprise

Simbioza Genesis is social enterprise which is commited to strengthen equal access to lifelong learning with emphasis on learning digital skills and gaining related competencies for all age groups. With various workshops and projects they build computer knowledge and use of information and communication technology. In addition to working at local, regional and national level, they have been participating in various international projects in Europe and beyond.

Fundacja Dajemy Dzieciom Siłę

Empowering Children Foundation is the biggest non-governmental organization which provides comprehensive services dealing with violence. It has been protecting children from abuse for over 30 years, providing children and their caregivers with professional, psychological, legal assistance and support. Empowering Children Foundation teaches adults how to respond to violence against children wisely and effectively and what to do when they suspect that a child is being abused, both offline and online. It also supports and engages parents in raising their children with love and respect. What is more, it influences Polish law so that it protects the best interests of the child. The organization provides help, among others: to abused children in Child Advocacy Centres, to young parents in Child and Family Centres,to children who suffer from Internet addiction, and to children and teens in crisis via the 116111 helpline. Every child deserves a childhood free from violence!


NASK is a National Research Institute whose mission is to develop and implement solutions which facilitate the development of information and communication networks in Poland, in addition to improving their effectiveness and security. We carry out research and development projects as well as projects aimed at improving the security of Polish civilian cyberspace. Another of our important activities is educating users and promoting the concept of an information society, primarily with the goal of protecting children and young people from hazards posed by new technologies.


We work #ForEveryChild in over 190 countries to build a better world for everyone. We bring life-saving assistance and hope to the most disadvantaged children and families. We also carry out educational projects. In Poland, we work with schools and local governments to ensure that children's rights are respected. We are non-political and impartial, but never remain indifferent when it comes to protecting children's rights and their future.


Safety Center

Tools and resources to help keep you safe online


Resources designed by teens, educators and SEL experts to empower students

We Think Digital

Resources to build a global community of responsible digital citizens