Our consulting expertise combines all data protection related disciplines, adapting
    to the individual situations and existing skills of our customers. Thus we develop
    the right solution for your requirements and we help you design your products
    and platforms compliant with data protection and privacy.

General Data Protection Regulation

The EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is binding across the European Union since May 2018 and it brought many changes for the online industry. Do you need help analyzing the requirements of the GDPR and its impacts on your company or business modell? ePrivacy is pleased to consult you or to check within the scope of our ePrivacyseal, which requirements regarding your product you already meet.

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The GDPR replaced Directive 95/46/EC in May 2018 and unifies data protection in the member states of the European Union. Adapting a company’s processes and documents to a new legal situation is a complex project that requires legal and technical competences. As a specialist in data protection, ePrivacy supports you in implementing the General Data Protection Regulation with the ePrivacyaudit.

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External Data Protection Officer

A data protection officer is appointed by a company to ensure its compliance with the relevant data protection legislation. His or her responsibilities include inter alia monitoring and employee training. Under certain conditions, a company will be required to appoint a data protection officer where, for example if data is collected on a fully automated basis. As the data protection officer must possess an extensive specialized knowledge and constantly update his or her know-how, many companies prefer to appoint an external data protection officer.

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EU representitive data protection

For companies based outside the EU, ePrivacy takes on the function of "national representative " in accordance with Article 27 of the EU General Data Protection Regulation. This is necessary for companies based in other EU countries if they offer goods or services within the EU.

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Privacy by Design

Regardless of whether your operations relate to the online advertising sector, the provision of technology services, the healthcare sector, the telecommunications sector or some other branch of industry, there is growing demand for compliance with data protection legislation on the part of consumers and data protection agencies. As a data protection specialist for the digital products and mobile sectors, ePrivacy’s accredited auditors guide you through the jungle of technical and legal requirements concerning data protection.

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Big Data

As a result of our increasing use of digital media, all of us generate an immense amount of data. When these data are structured and evaluated in databases, the generated user profiles may reveal more than we intended to reveal. Thus the privacy-compliant design of data management platforms and other big data applications is of greatest importance in order to strengthen the confidence of customers and business partners.

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Internet of Things

Technical innovation enables us to monitor our health with wearables, to open our car or to controll the heating with our smartphones. The new „Internet of things“ (IoT) products collect data on their users and their behavior and interests, which are, from a legal perspective, to be classified as personal data and are therefore particularly deserving of protection. ePrivacy consults companies during the development phase of IoT products and carries out compliance checks, helping you to meet the data protection requirements.

Data Protection Evaluations

Compliance with data protection legislation is increasingly a key issue for all industries. Do you want to make sure that you are compliant with the law and with numerous national initiatives or sector-specific self-regulatory measures? An ePrivacy data protection evaluation documents the current extent of your compliance with the applicable legal framework conditions and identifies any room for improvement.

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Privacy Policy Generator

As a website operator, you are required by statute to provide an up-to-date, complete and separate privacy notice for your users. That is easier said than done – the privacy notices which are to be found on websites are very often out-of-date, inaccurate or incomplete. For some time now, companies providing inaccurate data protection information or privacy policies have been subjected to cease-and-desist orders and also fines. ePrivacy helps you to avoid this risk: With the ePrivacyGenerator you can easily create and edit your own privacy policy or imprint.

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Data privacy impact assessment

Data privacy impact assessments (DPIAs) are a new tool for the identification of risks to which consumers are becoming exposed in the wake of the use of new technologies and systems. Upon the coming into force of the EU General Data Protection Regulation in May 2018, companies are under certain circumstances legally required to carry out a DPIA prior to the implementation of a technology or to the application of a product.

Data Protection Workshops

As a data protection specialist for the digital products and mobile sectors, ePrivacy, in addition to providing certification and data protection advisory services, also holds workshops and training sessions on all topics relating to data protection. All of ePrivacy's data protection trainers have long-standing experience in handling data protection issues, gathered in the context of our diverse project-based work, and as such possess the relevant current technical, organizational and legal knowledge in this regard. Our training sessions and workshops are very much practice-oriented and in-depth in their approach.

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ISO 27001

ePrivacy advises companies and public authorities on the implementation of information security management systems (ISMSs). The international ISO 27001 standard provides a basis for the obtaining of internationally recognized and very comprehensive certification. To this end, risk analyses are carried out and measures of a technical and organizational nature implemented, among other things. Certification in accordance with the international ISO 27001 standard can be carried out by accredited ePrivacy experts.

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Website Check and Web App Check

 ePrivacy provides consultation for companies for the design of websites and web apps if there are high demands on data privacy and data security to be met. Unlike a website, a web app (short for web application) is a server-sided application program with which clients can be connected. The storage and administration of user data on the server side poses numerous security questions for website and web application providers – we are happy to support you.

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