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D R E A M  T E A M

"Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much."

Helen Keller


Enrique Martínez

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Our team of six experienced professionals (plus one adorable canine) at Entalto Studios is dedicated to establishing ourselves as a leading player in the Spanish and global gaming industry.


Based in Zaragoza, Aragón, Spain, we offer Video Game Design and Development services, as well as other applications and software solutions. Let's do this!

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Enrique Cubero


Javier Verón

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After working together for nearly a decade, our departments are now operating seamlessly, ensuring that all of our projects are delivered to our clients with the utmost satisfaction. We're like a well-oiled machine!

Our team is dedicated to creating top-notch gaming experiences and taking ownership of the results of our creative and development processes. We care deeply about our craft and delivering excellence.



Sergio Jimeno

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Pablo Artiga

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Jorge Chueca

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