Press Releases: January 2024

Automated License Plate Readers

Dozens of Rogue California Police Agencies Still Sharing Driver Locations with Anti-Abortion States

California Attorney General Rob Bonta should crack down on police agencies that still violate Californians’ privacy by sharing automated license plate reader information with out-of-state government agencies, putting abortion seekers and providers at particular risk, the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) and the state’s American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) affiliates urged...
Google Spying

EFF Urges Pennsylvania Supreme Court to Find Keyword Search Warrant Unconstitutional

Keyword warrants that let police indiscriminately sift through search engine databases are unconstitutional dragnets that target free speech, lack particularity and probable cause, and violate the privacy of countless innocent people, the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) and other organizations argued in a brief filed today to the Supreme Court of...