March 9, 2012 (All day) to March 18, 2012 (All day)
Austin, TX

This Year EFF will have a booth at SXSW!!
Stop by to learn the latest in online civil liberties and pick up some cool swag!!
Other EFF appearances include:

"Fighting for Your Users Without Becoming a Target."
EFF Intellectual Property Director Corynne McSherry discusses improving privacy practices for both individuals and companies as well as avoiding, mitigating and responding to  common legal threats. She will also discuss how to ensure that providers protect privacy and free speech and why that's important.
SXSW Interactive
Saturday, March 10, 3:30PM - 4:30 PM
Omni Downtown, Capital Ballroom, 700 San Jacinto

"Software Patents: Great, Dangerous, or Pointless? "
EFF Staff Attorney Julie Samuels joins a panel discussing patents with respect to issues such as "do they make sense for a startup, are they always evil, do they help or hurt innovation, and how they fit into the landscape of social media.
SXSW Interactive
Startup Village
Hilton Austin - Downtown - 4th Floor
500 East 4th Street
Austin TX 78701

"Set Your Content Free (It's Harder Than You Think)"
EFF Staff Attorney Julie Samuels answers questions such as giving content away and how to make money when doing so, increasing your customer/fan base, retaining value and control downstream uses of your content when it is given away for free, and what to avoid from both a legal and a financial standpoint.
SXSW Music - venue to be announced

"How to Run a Social Site and Not Get Users Killed"
Jillian York, EFF's Director for International Freedom of Expression, joins former EFF activist Danny O'Brien discussing what social media companies can do to keep users safe in today's world.
Sunday, March 11, 12:30PM - 1:30PM
AT&T Conference Hotel, Salon D
1900 University Ave.
Austin, TX