June 4, 2016 - 10:00am PDT
Los Angeles

On Saturday, June 4, EFF and the Los Angeles chapter of the National Lawyers Guild will co-host a free workshop on surveillance self-defense.  The workshop will be open to the public, though particularly structured for participants in an earlier session hosted in January.

EFF staff technologist Mark Burdett will join lawyer-technologist Ken Montenegro from Advancing Justice Los Angeles to facilitate a teach-in and skill-share on surveillance, some immediate and practical steps you can take to protect your communications, and how to work with neighbors to inform surveillance policy at the state and local level.

Join us at Advancing Justice Los Angeles (1145 Wilshire Blvd in downtown Los Angeles) to learn more about surveillance, how to protect your privacy and information security, and how you can help build the movement wherever you live.

RSVP to help us plan accordingly and please share this event: eff.org/06-04-16-LA. Note that we will share RSVP data for this event with local organizers graciously serving as our co-hosts. See you on June 4!