November 7, 2012 - 6:30pm to 8:30pm PST
San Francisco, CA

Rob Reid's Year ZeroAliens, music, shady intergalactic corporations, a lawyer who happens to be named Nick Carter… Rob Reid’s debut novel 'Year Zero' has it all, plus plenty of clever digs at the recording industry and our broken copyright system. And there might be a shout-out to the “open-source ayatollahs at the Electronic Frontier Foundation.”

A brief summary: the rest of the universe loves Earth's music but has just discovered their downloading and sharing was illegal, and they’re all bankrupt as a result. And some big players are not happy about it. Junior entertainment lawyer Nick Carter is dragged in to clean up the mess and try to save the world. The result is an adventure through both space and our mixed-up entertainment industry. (Here's a more detailed summary.)

Join us for a Geek Reading with author Rob Reid, founder of Rhapsody and the man behind the famous “$8 billion iPod” TED talk. Rob will read from 'Year Zero,' and there’ll be drinks and discussion about the book, copyright, the music industry, and myriad other interesting topics.

EFF Geek Readings bring Internet users, bloggers, free speech advocates, science fiction lovers, and other interested folks together to hear from prominent writers and thinkers, meet like-minded community members, and exchange ideas, while supporting EFF.

Beer, wine, and soft drinks are included, and registered attendees are welcome to bring a plus one.

When: Wednesday, November 7, 2012
Location: Hattery Labs, San Francisco, CA
Admission for non-members: $20
Admission for members : $15

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