September 14, 2012 - 9:00am PDT to September 17, 2012 - 6:00pm PDT
Brussels, Belgium

For the second year in a row, activist movement Freedom Not Fear will organize a weekend of protests, workshops and networking in Brussels to defend fundamental rights in an era of increased surveillance measures. Freedom Not Fear is an activist movement and coalition of NGOs, collectives and citizens which meets in many different places once per year in September in order to defend a free and open society against restrictions on fundamental rights.

In 2011, several hundred people from Belgium, the Netherlands, France, Germany, Austria and the UK participated in the first Brussels edition of Freedom Not Fear, and the following day about 50 participated meetings with European policymakers in the European Parliament and the European Commission.

The main goal of this weekend of information, activities and reflection--to which all citizens are invited--is to support information-sharing on topics such as the defense of fundamental rights in the digital era or the increase of surveillance measures, for example data retention or CCTV surveillance. The incredible pan-European mobilization against the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA) demonstrated that civil society can have a decisive impact on draft legislations that threaten civil liberties.

Although EFF will not be there in person, our International Privacy Team is working with our European partners to spread the word about the Freedom Not Fear week of action. Look for posts on our Deeplinks Blog Sept. 10 - 14.

Sept. 9: Arrivals
Sept. 15 - 16: Protest, CCTV spotting/mapping, talks and workshops at Mundo B.
Sept. 17: Meetings with MEPs and Commission officials (self-organized)

For more information, visit the website for the international event or the Wiki for the Brussels event. You can also email