October 17, 2017 - 5:30pm to 7:00pm PDT
Rapid City, SD



We all rely on online communities to work, socialize, and learn. From the largest social media site to the smallest community message board, online platforms are central to our right to assemble and speak out. But there’s a new proposal in Congress that would put those communities in danger. Come join Indivisible Rapid City, Queer South Dakota, and the Electronic Frontier Foundation for a discussion about the latest threat to online community and how you can get involved. EFF Activist Elliot Harmon will be onhand to lead the discussion.

The authors of SESTA say it’s designed to fight sex trafficking, but the bill wouldn’t punish traffickers. Instead, it would threaten legitimate online speech. In particular, it would put marginalized voices at risk of being pushed off the Internet—including trafficking victims themselves.

Learn about Section 230, the law that makes modern online community possible. Learn why Section 230 is so important to online speech, and what you can do about this latest threat to it.

We’ll also discuss ways that South Dakotans can get involved with the fight for free expression, privacy, and innovation online. If you’ve been looking for opportunities to speak out for digital rights in your community, come join the discussion.

Rapid City Public Library
610 Quincy St
Rapid City, SD

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