UPDATE  (5/17/15): Last week, NSA defenders introduced a new bill to try to extend mass surveillance under the Patriot Act. We've created a new embeddable banner to stop this bill. Please insert this new code onto the homepage of your website after the <body> tag and before the </body> tag, to automatically display a banner that links to EFF's action opposing a temporary reauthorization of the Patriot Act:

<script type="text/javascript" src="https://www.fight215.org/count/scripts/act.js" defer="defer"></script>

Thanks for your help!

Section 215 of the Patriot Act—the authority that the NSA thinks authorized the bulk collection of the calling records millions of ordinary people—expires on June 1st.  And especially now that the Second Circuit has held that the NSA’s telephone records program went far beyond what Congress authorized when it passed Section 215 of the Patriot Act in 2001, Congress will have to take action if it wants to keep up this unconstitutional mass surveillance program. There can be no mistake—at this point, a vote to uphold the NSA’s interpretation of Section 215 is a vote against constitutional rights.  

We’ve been pushing Congress to end mass surveillance under the Patriot Act at Fight215.org. And now, we’ll be reminding Congress that time is running out for bulk collection of phone records with a visual demonstration. We’ll be running a countdown banner at the top of every page on the EFF site until June 1st. If you have a website, we hope you’ll join us. To make this as easy as possible, we’ve created a simple script you can run. Just insert this onto the homepage of your website after the <body> tag and before the </body> tag, and you’ll automatically be displaying our June 1st countdown timer:

<script type="text/javascript" src="https://www.fight215.org/count/scripts/count.min.js"></script>

If you’re not a website administrator, there are many other ways you can help:

  • Call: Contact Congress at Fight215.org and ask them to end mass surveillance under the Patriot Act and vote no on S. 1035, a bill that would extend expiring portions of the Patriot Act until 2020.
  • Share: Tell your friends to call Congress too, using our Twitter tool at Fight215.org, and use our shareable graphics for social media:
  • Ask: Townhalls, one-on-one meetings, and even press conferences can present opportunities to ask lawmakers questions directly. The House is scheduled to be on recess now through May 21st, and the Senate is scheduled for a State Work Period May 25-29. If you get a chance, we’ve provided sample questions. If you get a chance, we’ve provided sample questions to get you started, also available as a printable pdf.

With your help, we can defeat straight reauthorization of unconstitutional bulk collection.

Note about privacy and using our script: Whenever you use code that embeds content from another site, your visitors will load content from that website. In this case, they would load content from Fight215.org, which is run by EFF. Our website administrators would be able to gather general data about the number of times this script is loaded. However, we use a system we designed called cryptolog to minimize the data we receive about website visitors (see below).

Read about cryptolog: https://www.eff.org/policy#cryptolog

Source code of cryptolog: https://git.eff.org/?p=cryptolog.git;a=summary

Read EFF’s privacy policy here: https://eff.org/policy

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