Drupal IndieWeb

Integrates the philosophy of IndieWeb in your Drupal website. For more information, see https://indieweb.org/.

Available features

  • Receive webmentions and pingbacks via Webmention.io or internal endpoint
  • Send webmentions and syndicate content, likes etc via https://brid.gy, store syndications
  • Microformats for content, images and more
  • Allow users to login and create accounts with IndieAuth
  • Built-in IndieAuth Authorization and Authentication API with PKCE, or use external service
  • Microsub built-in server or use external service, also allowing anonymous requests.
  • Micropub
    • Create content note, article, event, rsvp, reply, like, repost, bookmark, checkin, geocache, trip and issue
    • Updating content is currently limited to changing the published status, title and body of nodes and comments
    • q=category can be configured and q=source is also experimentally available to get a list of posts
    • Store location coordinates
    • Delete a node, comment or webmention
  • Auto-create comments from 'in-reply-to'
  • Reply on comments and send webmention
  • Feeds: microformats and jf2
  • Contacts: store contacts, allowing for autocomplete and mentions
  • WebSub PuSH 0.4 for publishing and subscribing
  • Send a micropub post to Aperture on incoming webmentions
  • Fetch post context for content or microsub items
  • Blocks for rendering webmentions, RSVP, signing in
  • Caching of image files
  • Fediverse integration via https://fed.brid.gy/ or ActivityPub module
  • Integration with the Personal reader project

Functionality is split into several modules

  • IndieWeb: main API module. Contains help, permissions, general blocks and more. All other modules depend on this
  • IndieAuth: expose endpoints and use external or internal endpoint
  • Webmention: send and receive webmentions and pingbacks; store syndications; create comments; internal or external
  • Microformats: apply Microformats2 to your markup
  • Micropub: expose a Micropub endpoint
  • Microsub: expose a Microsub endpoint, external or internal
  • Feeds: create Microformats2, Atom and JF2 feeds
  • Post context: store context for content and microsub items
  • Media cache: store images locally for internal webmention and microsub endpoint
  • WebSub: WebSub Push 0.4 for publishing and subscribing, integrates with Microsub for feed subscription
  • Contacts: store contacts for Micropub contact query

More information is in the README and on the configuration pages.

Which release to select

  • 8.x-1.x: single user site
  • 8.x-2.x: support for multiple users on one site. This branch will haven an upgrade path if you are upgrading from 8.x-1.x. This is still in development and is not recommended for production at all.

Composer dependencies

  • composer require indieweb/mention-client
  • composer require indieauth/client
  • composer require p3k/xray
  • composer require p3k/websub
  • composer require p3k/micropub
  • composer require lcobucci/jwt

If you want to setup a Homebrew Website Club site for your local community, you can also use the HWC theme to quickly setup a theme.

If you only want to receive webmentions or pingbacks, check https://www.drupal.org/project/linkback

Logo designed by https://www.drupal.org/u/grienauer

Supporting organizations: 

Project information
