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ODIS: The Wonders Of Legion



ODIS: The Wonders Of Legion / عــجائب لــيجــون

**Fullsize Please**

This is the second preview artwork for my upcoming manga, ODIS featuring 2 of the main characters.

I wanted to experiment a more "painty" style with lightning and a very dark background. It was challenging to try something new, I hope it turned out ok :)

The magic-circles fireworks took forever! I had to draw each one individually for hours. It was fun to work with them but it was sorta bad for my eyes with all the little details! XD

I really hope this art makes you excited to know the story of ODIS :la:

if so, please join/watch the group for more updates! :iconodismanga:

Feedback is always appreciated :D :heart:

the 1st teaser":


ODIS © 2012 ~ All Rights Are reserved by SaraMD



You can read Odis Manga chapters here ^^
Image size
1520x1559px 1.66 MB
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