LeiLain on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/leilain/art/Land-of-the-Goldfish-64504659LeiLain

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Daily Deviation

September 17, 2007
You can't not love the soft colors and whimsical, happy goldfish in Land of the Goldfish by ~UdonNodu. This deviant's gallery will not disappoint you!
Featured by azarath
Suggested by dollyfish
LeiLain's avatar

Land of the Goldfish



wow I never thought I'd finish this...
1st hour- this'll be great!!! goldfish yay
5th hour- still fun
7th hour- umm a bit of a neck cramp
??th hour- omg... goldfish....
??????th hour- am I still awake?
last hour- if I ever have to colour a goldfish in my life agian.. it'll be too soon....

x_X but I love my finished pic!!! :D I hope you guys like it as well


btw the guy's name is Lan *xD man I love that name*
and he's my charac :)
his eyes are actually black and his hair is supposed to be red, I just got lazy and forgot T_T

*btw I changed the eyes!!! o_O
Image size
2000x2584px 1.58 MB
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