PatheaGames's avatar


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Artist // Other
Super Llama: Llamas are awesome! (48)
My Bio
We're a small indie game studio located in Chongqing, China, here we post our art. :)
Hi everyone, it has been a while since our last update, sorry for not being very active recently. (we're lacking in manpower) Since we've introduced our upcoming title Super Buckyball Tournament (SBT) last week, think is about time to upload artworks here, hope you guys like it.
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The My Time at Portia alpha is now out on Steam, for free:
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So we haven't updated our DeviantArt account in forever. That's our fault, we kinda, sorta forgot. It doesn't help that this site was blocked by the Great Firewall of China for a bit (and our studio is in China). Anyway, now that we're back, we'll be updating this often with all of our artworks. We have several projects on going, so there will be lots of artworks. :)
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Profile Comments 5

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Just recently purchased My Time at Portia on the Switch-- been HEAVILY enjoying it! So glad it got a console release-- I don't have a computer that can run it on the PC. :heart: I'm looking forward to all the future updates you have planned! I need to know what you have planned for Aadit! The anticipation is KILLING me! Lol!
I absolutely adore your art, big thumbs up to your concept artists and team in general! My Time at Portia is a wonderful game and I can't wait to see more from you! :)
I'm a little concerned with Planet Explorers' progress on Kickstarter- what will become of the project if it doesn't reach 100k by the deadline?
Love your concept art, can't wait to see more.