loish's avatar


Lois van Baarle
460 Deviations


Artist // Professional // Digital Art
  • Oct 11, 1985
  • Netherlands
  • Deviant for 21 years
  • She / Her
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Super Fantastic Golden Platter Cake: Wishing a happy birthday (20)
Brush Lover: Early DeviantArt muro brush adopter
Birthday20: Participated in DA 20th Birthday campaign
Quartz: It's a big honor to be awarded a Quartz badge! (87)
Diamond: It's the highest of honors to be awarded an exclusive Diamond badge! (21)
My Bio

loish on patreon


for just $5 a month, you will get:

TUTORIALS // every month I upload a month-long tutorial video on a specific subject that you can vote on.


PROCESS VIDEOS // I frequently upload the full, real-time process videos of my art, both digital and traditional.


SKETCHBOOK TOURS // watch videos of me browsing through all of my filled sketchbooks, as I tell you the stories behind my art and ideas.


EARLY ACCESS // you'll be the first to see my new art!


... and more, like step-by-steps, WIPs, walkthroughs of my client work process, and Q&A videos. If you like my art and want to support me in creating more, please consider supporting me! Find my Patreon page here: patreon.com/loish

Can't believe DeviantArt is 20 years old today! Honestly that makes me feel so old haha. This place is where it all started for me personally, and that's truly no exaggeration. I really think my life would have looked totally different if I hadn't signed up to dA as a 17 year old, even though I had no idea what that impact would be at the time. This is the first place I started working on my 'social media' presence (that word didn't exist at the time), frequently updating my gallery with new art and interacting with an online art community - an approach that is now foundational to how I make a living from my art. It's also the first place I started finding new inspiration and connecting with other artists (some of whom I still talk to today!). It's where I started developing my style and artistic indentity. Even today, when I give talks and workshops, I always talk about joining deviantArt and the huge impact it had on me! So this birthday has a lot of meaning to me - It's bringing
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Hey guys! Just a heads up to let you guys know that I finally launched a Patreon page! You can find it here: https://www.patreon.com/loish In the last ten years of being a freelancer, I’ve found more and more of my personal time swallowed up by work and obligations. This year, I’m finally taking the step to change things. I’ve decided to make the time to paint freely, explore new things, sketch mindlessly, and let my creative mind wander. By supporting me on Patreon, you can help me to priortize my own artistic growth this year. As a patron, you’ll get a glimpse behind the scenes: WIPs, process shots, and a once monthly sketchbook tour video! So please consider supporting me there if you like seeing my work and want some extra behind-the-scenes stuff. P.S - I have no idea how this site works anymore! I'm so bummed that others can see my art on a dark layout, I feel like that's a terrible fit for my work haha. Has anyone figured this eclipse stuff out yet??
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hey deviantart friends :] as you can see I still update here with my art, but I'm not able to keep up with all of the messages that I get, especially the notes! I'm active on so many platforms so I have to draw the line with notes/DMs/etc! so if you want to contact me, please use my e-mail address listed above! oh and if you want to see more frequent posts, you gotta follow me on instagram - http://instagram.com/loisvb are you guys still active here on dA? how often do you check in?
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Deviousness Award

If you've visited DeviantArt in the last decade years, chances are good that you've seen loish's artwork. loish has been an inspirational member of the DeviantArt community for 13 years, during which she has become one of the most recognizable artists on the site. Her signature style is varied yet distinct, as she features women of different sizes, shapes, and colors in her artwork. And true to her cause of inspiring artists of all skill levels, her older deviations prove her dedication to the arts, displaying the types of extravagant improvements one can make over 13 years of practicing and perfecting one's style. Soaking up feedback and tips from her fellow deviants, Loish was able to sharpen her digital painting abilities and turn her into the artist she is today.

In addition to her tremendous artistry, loish is a source of light for the community as well. Eager to maintain an open dialogue with her watchers, loish has helped many other artists grow and develop their styles with encouragement and support. And by providing valuable resources to the community in the form of brush sets and tutorials, she has guaranteed the growth of her fellow deviants.
Awarded Dec 2016

Profile Comments 23.9K

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OMG I have a book by your authorship! I've been on DeviantArt recently, but I didn't expect to come across your page here!


Happy Birthday 😁👍

Hi there. Not sure if you're still active on this website. But if you still are, I just want to wish you a happy Birthday today.

Hope you're doing OK, wherever you are. Take care...