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February 3, 2009
Class Photo 08 by =Gnog is a fantastically well done emote - I am sure you can relate to it if you think back to your school days!
Featured by UnicornReality
Suggested by Krissi001
Gnog's avatar

Class Photo 08



Look it's a magic picture! :excited: A moving picture! It's just like harry potter, innit? B-)

This is a possible submission for *Emoticiety's school contest - not sure though :P

This is based off my class photos over the years

There 20 emotes in the class (quite a modest sized class - I ran out of ideas). From bottom to top, right to left

Cheesy grin emote
Absent emote (there's always one who manages to miss it)

Braceface emote (that was me one year)

"what the hell is going on?!" emote

Sleepy emote (this was taken too early in the morning for the guy)

Class couple (if emotes didn't have this tendancy to be naked, maybe they would have dressed matchy matchy..?)

Tried too hard to look good emote

Pervy emote

Looking nice for mummy emote

classic geek emote

bully's victim emote (what a shame he's right next to..)

Bully emote

Very Caffinated emote (opposite of sleepy emote)

Grim and serious emote (schools photos must be taken seriously :|)

Flate emote (inspired by [link] - someone punctured him with a pin just before the photo)

Classic Tard face emote

Too many drugs emote

Sad emote (because her beautiful face is getting blocked by caffinated emote)

Too cool for school emote (clearly a lie)

and of course
teacher grinning to disguise the fact he is an evil little shit (you can tell of hus fakery cos he blinks so much)

Tutorial used: [link]

Done using [link] and unfreez [link]

sorry if there's a lag

feedback welcome :) I know a lot went wrong with this :<

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110x100px 53.45 KB
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