End-to-End Accessibility Testing

Technology and services to support High Velocity Accessibility

How does Deque stand out?

We literally wrote the book on Agile Accessibility

Created with Sketch.

Our testing toolkit fits right into your existing toolchain

Our accessibility experts support any testing strategy

Accessibility isn’t a feature, it’s a requirement

Digital accessibility is now a requirement for legal compliance, customer engagement, competitive advantage, and corporate success. Like security or performance, it’s a critical part of your digital business.

So, how do your design and development teams–who are already moving at top speed and taking on more every day–add accessibility testing without upsetting agile and DevOps processes.

Deque has combined the technology and methodology that solves this challenge. We call it High Velocity Accessibility.

Development and IT Ops working together to build an accessible website

We’re the only accessibility company that fully embraces DevOps

Our unique approach to testing for accessibility is supported by our methodology and our technology. Our experts understand agile development principles and our axe toolkit is designed to support the principles of flow, feedback, as well as continual learning and experimentation.

Let’s practice sustainable digital accessibility together by shifting-left and integrating into your existing test practices.

  • Deque Logo Shifting Left

    • Backlog

      Small Investment
    • Design

      Small Investment
    • Coding

      Small Investment
    • Testing

      Small Investment
  • Traditional

    • Release

      Large Investment

How does Deque provide end-to-end testing?

Automated Testing

Catch the majority of accessibility issues automatically. Use our linter, browser extension or APIs to squash accessibility bugs in development.

Learn about axe DevTools

Functional Testing & Quality Assurance

Extend your coverage with clear, efficient manual testing for advanced issues.

Learn about axe Auditor


Dynamically scan, monitor and report on the accessibility status of your digital assets, including interactive business flows.

Learn about axe Monitor

Accessibility solutions for your environment of choice

  • Mocha logo
  • SELENIUM logo
  • Karma logo
  • cucumber logo
  • Jasmine logo
  • Saucelabs logo
  • RSpec logo
  • Maven logo
  • Jenkins logo

In our world we know that infosec is not an infosec job, just like an office job is not an office job, just like accessibility is not the accessibility groups job, it’s everyone’s job.”

Photo of Gene Kim

Gene Kim WSJ Bestselling Author & DevOps Leader

Having tools that allow you to automate the scans and integrate them into your build process helps a lot because you don’t have to rely on somebody remembering to do it as part of your release process– it just happens automatically.”

Photo of Bob Andreasen

Bob Andreasen Executive Director of Software Quality Assurance, Harland Clarke