
A US agency focused on foreign disinformation could shut down after the election

The State Department’s Global Engagement Center recently opened an anti-Russian propaganda center in Poland, but needs Congressional action to continue operations.

Senate advances 2% raise for defense civilians, 4.5% for military

An unusual White House proposal to give different raises drew early fire, but lawmakers are passing up opportunities to do anything about it.

Climate change is a threat, not a distraction, to the US military

We’ve got to be able to walk and chew gum at the same time.

Lawmakers slam Coast Guard's handling of misconduct allegations

The criticism followed a year-old CNN investigation and a scathing resignation letter by the Coast Guard Academy's sex-assault response coordinator.

V-22s won’t return to full flight operations until mid-2025

But some lawmakers are worried about the Osprey flying at all.

As new ICBMs' cost soars, a few lawmakers are trying to rein it in

A congressional working group on nuclear arms will hold a hearing in July on the budget-busting program.

Biden puts limits on asylum requests at the US-Mexico border

No more than 2,500 incoming people will be able to apply for asylum per day under the new executive order.

House defense bills on collision course over F-35, second sub

Appropriators would boost, not cut, jet purchases, and hew to the Navy’s submarine-building plan.