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New-Age High-Power Microwave Technology

Unmanned aircraft systems (UAS), commonly referred to as drones, have undergone a lightning-fast evolution into accessible, affordable, and capable weapons. Agile, cost-effective, and equipped with the latest technology, drones have quickly become a popular asymmetric tool on the battlefield.


The president ordered a board to investigate a massive Russian cyberattack. It didn't.

By not investigating how the SolarWinds hack exploited Microsoft software, the Cyber Safety Review Board missed an opportunity to prevent attacks, experts say.


4 things to watch for as NATO leaders gather in high-stakes summit

Expect important discussion on Ukrainian membership, military aid, China, and internal cohesion.

Sponsor Content

Tech-Driven Talent: Transforming Public Sector Recruitment

Federal agencies face significant challenges in recruiting skilled talent due to a cumbersome hiring process, an aging workforce, and intense competition. This guide explores how technology can help federal agencies proactively recruit, streamline their hiring processes, and attract Gen Z candidates.


Lessons from Afghanistan for NATO’s new Ukraine command

U.S. support to Ukraine is still the biggest lever to stop Russia’s aggression and ensure Ukrainian victory.

Science & Tech

The US intelligence community is embracing generative AI

Intelligence agencies are using generative AI for a variety of purposes, including content triage and assisting analysts.


A US agency focused on foreign disinformation could shut down after the election

The State Department’s Global Engagement Center recently opened an anti-Russian propaganda center in Poland, but needs Congressional action to continue operations.



US’s terrorist listing of European far-right group signals fears of rising threat—abroad and at home

The Nordic group’s most notorious attack was at a refugee center in Sweden in 2017.

Exclusive Science & Tech

DARPA wants to use AI to find new rare minerals

With spectral analysis, it’s possible to “tell the difference [between] cocaine that came from one cartel’s area of Colombia versus another.”

Defense Systems

The double-edged global ship tracking system

Houthi groups have used public tracking data to target commercial ships—revealing that staying undetected is trickier than just going dark digitally.

Science & Tech

Defense One Radio, Ep. 159: Tech Summit: DARPA’s Stefanie Tompkins

We conclude our 2024 Tech Summit coverage with an interview featuring DARPA Director Stefanie Tompkins.

Science & Tech

Meet the Air Force’s secretive long-range drone that flies for days

The robot surveillance aircraft can fly for 80 hours without refueling.

Science & Tech

What Estonian drone companies are learning from Ukraine

Estonian companies are getting lightning-quick user feedback and real-world electronic warfare testing, thanks to hands-on experiments in Ukraine.


How GAO told the Air Force to redo $12B systems integration contract

The dispute over a Sentinel program integration support contract intensifies as BAE Systems and Guidehouse battle for the award, further adding to the Air Force's nuclear missile modernization woes.

Science & Tech

US soldiers will get electronic warfare backpacks later this year

The system is a portable combination of a jammer and scanner.

Science & Tech

Defense One Radio, Ep. 158: Tech Summit: The state of hypersonics

Our 2024 Tech Summit coverage continues with a discussion about the future of hypersonic missile research and development.


The Pentagon is trying 'to be less hard to work with' for tech companies

Chief digital officer points to a planned data-sharing ecosystem for industry and a new agreement with DIU.