DAILY MAIL COMMENT: Red Ed has zero clue how business works 

Listening to the BBC news, anyone might believe Ed Miliband is telling the unvarnished truth when he suggests ruthless employers are exploiting British workers on an epic scale.

Drill more deeply and it becomes clear the Labour leader is being less than straight when he speaks of an ‘epidemic’ of zero-hours contracts, keeping staff on standby for work only when it suits the boss.

For one thing, just 2.3 per cent of the workforce have such contracts (some epidemic!), of whom most are happy with the deal. Indeed, two-thirds – including many mothers and students – say they have no wish to work more hours.

Hypocrisy award: Week one of the election campaign and the award for unashamed hypocrisy and incompetence is effortlessly won by Ed Miliband and Labour

Clueless: Ed Miliband is being less than straight when he speaks of an ‘epidemic’ of zero-hours contracts

But Mr Miliband has never allowed reality to interfere with his quasi-Marxist convictions. So he pledges a crackdown on the contracts (whose worst aspects have been outlawed by the Coalition).

Leave aside that Labour councils employ 22,000 zero-hours staff – while 68 of the party’s MPs, including Ed Balls, have used them over the past two years.

In the real world, isn’t Mr Miliband’s policy sure to cost thousands of jobs, as employers find they can’t afford his guarantees? But then what does the Labour leader know about a world in which firms must compete to survive?

After all, this is a man who describes producers as ‘predators’, who wants to seize private land and force energy companies to sell gas and electricity at a loss – and now plans the first rise in corporation tax for 40 years.

No wonder more than 100 leading business figures – including at least five who once backed Labour – have endorsed Tory policies, warning that a change in course would endanger recovery.

Whose judgment should voters trust more? These 120 executives who employ more than 600,000 workers between them? Or a self-confessed ‘geek’, who says he ‘blubbed’ over a film showing the London lesbian and gay community helping miners in Wales – and who learned his economics from a Marxist textbook?


Dangerous judgment

In an astonishing ruling, High Court judges declare that violent criminals with a history of absconding have the same rights as others to be moved to open jails.

Thus, they overturn a ban introduced after a series of escapes by offenders.

Among them were Damien Burns, the ‘Scarborough slasher’, Michael ‘Skullcracker’ Wheatley – and Arnold Pickering, who escaped four times after being jailed for ‘executing’ a blind man.

But, no, the blatant dangers such men pose (isn’t there a clue in the nicknames?) were of little concern to the judges, who declared the ban ‘unfair and unlawful’.

When violent criminals’ rights take precedence over public safety and elementary common sense, the case for reform is surely unanswerable.


Clegg and the press 

Beware of Greeks bearing gifts. Posing as a champion of Press freedom, Nick Clegg pledges a law offering special status to journalists and a public interest defence for responsible reporting.

Forgive the Mail if we sound ungrateful – but no, thanks.

Indeed, the last thing any true freedom-lover wants is self-interested and often self-enriching MPs defining what is in the public interest. 

But then Mr Clegg, whose stitch-up led to the disgraceful post-Leveson clampdown on newspapers, has hardly a true liberal bone in his body.

Posing as a champion of Press freedom, Nick Clegg pledges a law offering special status to journalists and a public interest defence for responsible reporting

How significant his latest idea was floated in the Guardian, whose ability to lose eye-watering sums of money is matched only by its almost psychotic hatred of the commercially viable free Press.

Frankly, this paper would rather take its chances in a world where we’re free to express views unapproved by the Left than enjoy privileges dictated by Mr Clegg.


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