Colors Terms of Use

These terms apply to your access to and use of the service. By accessing or using the service, you agree to be bound by these terms. If you do not agree to these terms, you may not access or use the services.

What we provide is an online community where users can post and share works of art created within the Colors!, Colors! 3D and Colors Live applications. Anyone can browse, watch playbacks of, download and share links to all works posted to the service without an account. However, only registered account members can upload, comment on and "like" paintings, as well as participate in challenges

Who our services are for

Participation in the community is free, and available to anyone who agrees to abide by the terms of service, however it may not be used for any purposes that violate local law.


The service is available "as is", with no warranty of any kind, and may be modified or discontinued at any time for any reason. We reserve the right to maintain, add, or remove features from the service completely at our own discretion.

In accordance with our Community Guidelines, which can be found at, Collecting Smiles AB reserves the right to suspend service access for any registered accounts or devices used to interact with the service where deemed necessary for maintaining a safe and welcoming environment.

Content policy

To maintain a safe and welcoming environment on, we do not permit content that is unlawful or abusive. You can find more information regarding the types of content that we do not permit at

Though it is up to each user to follow the Community Guidelines, we do review reported content and always respond promptly to user complaints. We reserve the right to remove any content if deemed inappropriate by Collecting Smiles AB.

Privacy policy

Collecting Smiles will never share your personal information with a third party, unless we're required to do so by law. Our full privacy policy can be found at

Content ownership

As per our Terms of Use, which can be found at, all users of are solely responsible for content they submit to the service. By uploading content to the service you confirm that you have all of the rights and authorizations necessary to post, submit, display, produce, or otherwise transmit such content. You agree that you will not submit material that is or contains the intellectual property of a third party that you do not have permission to use.

Users retain all rights and ownership of the content they submit to, and Collecting Smiles makes no claim of ownership over any of the content posted by any user, however we do require certain licenses to said content for the purpose of operating, marketing, promoting, and improving the Colors application and the service.

By submitting content to you grant Collecting Smiles AB fully transferable rights to use, reproduce, distribute, modify (so as to better showcase your content, for example), transmit, prepare derivative works of, and display that content in connection with the Colors application, the service, and Collecting Smiles' business, but solely in accordance with these Terms of Use and our Privacy Policy. To the extent you do not have ownership rights to any of your submissions; you shall indemnify Collecting Smiles AB for any claim regarding the Collecting Smiles AB's use of your submissions.

Reporting copyright violations

It is our policy to respond to valid DMCA takedown notices of alleged copyright infringement. Our response to valid takedown notices may include removing the infringing material, as well as suspending the associated user accounts if deemed necessary. We will also contact the owner of the affected material so that they may submit a counter-notification.

To file a notice of infringement with us, you must provide a formal communication that includes the items specified below:

  1. Identify in sufficient detail the copyrighted work that you believe has been infringed upon. This means a link to the original work or a description of what is being copied.

  2. Identify the material that is infringing on the work in item 1. This means the link to the website page with the material on it.

  3. Provide your contact information, preferably e-mail address and phone number.

  4. Include the statement: "I have a good faith belief that use of the copyrighted materials described above as allegedly infringing is not authorized by the copyright owner, its agent, or the law."

  5. Include the statement: "I swear, under penalty of perjury, that the information in this notification is accurate and that I am the copyright owner or am authorized to act on behalf of the owner of an exclusive right that is allegedly infringed."

This notice can be submitted through any of the contact methods listed under the “Legal contact” section at

