Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba (2016)

Kimetsu no Yaiba / 鬼滅の刃


  • Manga: Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba
    © 2016 Koyoharu Gotouge, Shuueisha Inc.
    • Giapponese Kimetsu no Yaiba
      Tipo: Manga
      Stato: Completato
      Pubblicato: 15.02.2016 ‑ 18.05.2020
      Volumi / Capitoli: 23 / 205
      Publisher: Shuueisha Inc.
      Mangaka: Koyoharu GOTOUGE Autore & Illustratore
      Adattato da: Lavoro originale
    • Inglese Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba
      Stato: Completato
      Pubblicato: 15.02.2016 ‑ 03.08.2021
      Volumi / Capitoli: 23 / 205
      Publisher: VIZ Media, LLC
    • Italiana Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba
      Stato: Completato
      Pubblicato: 10.04.2019 ‑ 12.04.2023
      Volumi / Capitoli: 23 / 207
    • Sinonimi: Sametsu no Yaiba, Blade of Demon Destruction, Demon Slayer


Testo della bandella:
Giappone, albori del ventesimo secolo. Il giovane Tanjiro, un gentile venditore di carbone, vede la sua quotidianità stravolta dallo sterminio della famiglia a opera di un demone. L’unica rimasta in vita è la sorella minore Nezuko, che tuttavia è stata trasformata in un demone a sua volta. Per farla tornare come prima e vendicarsi del mostro che ha ucciso la madre e i fratellini, Tanjiro si mette in viaggio con Nezuko, dando inizio a un’avvincente racconto di sangue, spade e avventura!
Tanjiro Kamado is the oldest son in a family without a father. When, one day, he visits a nearby town to sell charcoal and earn money, he learns about rumors of an Oni who supposedly roams around the area. Therefore, he spends the night there instead of immediately making his way home.

However, when he arrives at his house the next day, he has to realise an Oni was indeed rumbling around the town – and it brutally slaughtered almost his entire family! Only his little sister Nezuko survived, though she has been transformed into a demon herself. Now, Tanjiro sets out on a dangerous journey to find a way to turn his sister into a human once again. Will he manage to take revenge on the demon race and save his sister?
Tanjirou Kamado ist der älteste Sohn in einer Familie ohne Vater. Als er eines Tages in die Stadt geht, um Holzkohle zu verkaufen, verbringt er dort aufgrund von Gerüchten eines Oni, der sich angeblich in der Gegend rumtreibt, die Nacht, anstatt den Heimweg am Abend anzutreten. Als er am nächsten Tag sein Haus erreicht, muss er feststellen, dass scheinbar tatsächlich ein Oni unterwegs war, der fast seine gesamte Familie grausam ermordet hat; nur seine Schwester Nezuko hat knapp überlebt. Jedoch muss er schnell feststellen, dass auch sie den Angriff nicht ohne Folgen überlebt hat. Wird er es schaffen, Rache zu nehmen und seine Schwester zu retten?
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  • Kyoujurou RENGOKU

    Go ahead and live with your head held high. No matter how devastated you may be by your own weakness or uselessness, set your heart ablaze.

  • Rui

    The father has the role of a father. The mother has the role of a mother. The parents protect their children. The big brothers and sisters protect their younger siblings. No matter what it is, they put their life on the line. You see, I don’t think there’s a need for those who don’t understand their own roles to live.




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