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Visenna was a sorceress and the mother of Geralt of Rivia.

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What role does Visenna play in the Witcher series? toggle section
Visenna plays a significant role in the Witcher series as she is the mother of the main character, Geralt of Rivia. She is a sorceress, druid, and healer, showcasing her magical abilities throughout the series. In the Netflix adaptation, Visenna is portrayed by Frida Gustavsson. One of the most notable moments in the series is when she leaves a young Geralt under the pretense of fetching water, only for him to be collected by the witcher, Vesemir. This pivotal moment sets the stage for Geralt's journey into becoming a witcher himself.
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How is Visenna related to Geralt in the Witcher series? toggle section
Visenna is the mother of Geralt of Rivia in the Witcher series. She was a sorceress who used her magic to take care of young Geralt. However, she left Geralt under the care of the witcher, Vesemir, when he was still a child. Visenna is a significant character in the Witcher series, as she is the one who set Geralt on his path to becoming a witcher.
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Why did Visenna abandon Geralt in the Witcher series? toggle section
In the Witcher series, Visenna, Geralt's mother, abandoned him at a young age. She left him with Vesemir, a witcher, and rode off before Geralt could return. The reasons for her abandonment are not explicitly stated, but during a later encounter, when Geralt confronts her about it, Visenna avoids answering directly. She tells Geralt that the answer wouldn't help him and that he must let go to move forward. This suggests that Visenna's decision might have been complex and painful, possibly tied to the harsh realities of the world they live in.
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Who portrays Visenna in the Netflix adaptation of the Witcher? toggle section
In the Netflix adaptation of the Witcher, Visenna is portrayed by the talented actress Frida Gustavsson.
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What is the significance of Visenna in Geralt's life in the Witcher series? toggle section
Visenna holds a significant role in Geralt's life in the Witcher series as she is his biological mother. She was a sorceress and a healer who, despite her financial struggles, took care of young Geralt and used her magic to provide for him. However, in a twist of fate, she left Geralt under the care of Vesemir, a witcher, setting the course for Geralt's future as a witcher himself. Geralt had the opportunity to meet Visenna later in life when she treated some serious injuries he had sustained. Despite the circumstances of their separation, Geralt often contemplated about Visenna, indicating her profound impact on his life.
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At an unknown time, Visenna was a single mother, taking care of a young Geralt, using her magic to conjure meals that she otherwise couldn't afford. However, one day while traveling in the countryside, she sent her young son off under the pretense to fetch water for her from a nearby spring, but in actuality was to drop Geralt off for the witcher, Vesemir, to collect him.[N 1] She then rode off before Geralt could return, leaving him in the witcher's care.[1]

Nearly a century later,[2] while traveling through Sodden as the Battle of Sodden Hill raged nearby, she overheard a man's cry for help and found Yurga with none other than an unconscious Geralt, who had been bitten by a venomous necrophage and needed help soon or he'd die. She set about healing him but in the process Geralt woke up and the two then conversed but Visenna tried to avoid saying what they already knew: that she was his mother and had left him years ago with Vesemir. After Geralt also tried to avoid it, he finally confronted Visenna directly, asking if she could at least answer him if she knew he could have died during the Trial of the Grasses. Like before though, Visenna refused to answer directly, merely telling her son the answer wouldn't help him and that he must let go to move forward. She then cast a sleeping spell for Geralt to fall asleep. Having finished healing him, Visenna then left before Geralt could wake up again.

Years later, while giving aid to a villager, she was mistaken for an elf and severely beaten, dying of her injuries soon after.[3]


  1. This is contradicted in The Witcher: Nightmare of the Wolf, where Vesemir's fellow witcher, Sven, is instead seen bringing Geralt and several other young boys to Kaer Morhen, as Vesemir was enjoying himself at taverns as he made his way to the keep.


  1. Season 1, Episode 08: Much More
  2. Netflix Timeline: Visenna
  3. Season 3, Episode 3 Reunion