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"I shall organize, see to everything and whip the house into order."
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Gweison Haul was the state magical academy of Vicovaro but now serves as one of the Empires most prestigious magic academies second only to the Imperial Magic Academy and it is the place most mages in the Empire go to in order to study the arcane arts.[1] The Empire shipped enemy mage's laboratories and studies back from the lands it conquered. Because of this the furniture and architecture of the academy has become somewhat eclectic.

Most students gain admittance to the school of their own accord with some being reported to Gweison Haul and subsequently summoned if they posses more dangerous powers. It is seen as a civic duty in the empire for anyone with magical potential to be trained. Therefore there are no tuition fees, as to allow any subject of the Empire to receive training in controlling their powers. A potential student will be tested as early as six or seven, after review by Gweison Haul and being registered many are just thought how to control the minor abilities they posses and sent back to their family. Those may be summoned back later in their life if the Empire sees use for their abilities, but of those send home most are left to their own devices. Those admitted to the school will receive a basic magical education, what and how much they are permitted to learn is decided by their teachers. The student will then specialize or train in increasingly advanced magics. In order to go on to the highest level of training a student must be approved by the Directors of Magic and the Rector.

All students are treated with the same heavy hand be they loyal subjects or rebellious Northerners. Counter to popular believe the faculty at the academy does not utilise any mind-controlling magic nor any alchemical concoctions to re-educate the student body. In fact it is never directly stated that the trainees are tools of the Empire. It is however impressed onto them. The teachers discourage unconventional thinking and common areas of the academy are under magical surveillance, breaking rules comes with harsh penalties. On top of this there is a permanent platoon of Mage Hunters stationed on the school grounds. These Hunters have the authority to deal with any rebellious mages or threats to the faculty. To this end they patrol the grounds and halls they are also equipped with dimeritium shackles, although these are rarely used their mere presence is enough to dissuade any dissent among the students.

Despite these measures the students are well taken care off and most excel in their studies. The academy has a well-stocked curated library and has halls and courtyards students can roam when not attending lessons. The lifestyle of students while at Gweison Haul is rigidly structured and the Empire's expectations are ever present. This leads to fast friendships among those attending the academy as students look for trustworthy confidants with whom they can share fears and concerns. Recently rumours have spread that curious students have discovered forgotten secrets deep in the catacombs dating back from before the Usurpers reign. Ancient tomes, records of audacious research and long-forgotten scrolls of lore missed by the Empire's prying eyes.

Due to education being thoroughly standardised little to no value is placed on the individual's feelings or opinions. Upon graduation mages are assigned a value based on their skill. This value informs what employment that mage could seek and what it would entail, with many mages finding jobs in the Nilfgaardian Army or the Nilfgaardian Military Intelligence.


