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Tw3 achievements bookworm unlocked
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Tw3 achievements bookworm unlocked

Big Quote Left
And do not touch the girl! Do you understand, you churls?
Big Quote Right
- Sweers defending Ciri from Trappers, pg. 290 Time of Contempt (U.K. edition)

Sir Sweers from the Sweers family was a Nilfgaardian knight and initially the apparent leader of the Trappers, a gang of bounty hunters, who saved Ciri from the Korath desert. Unlike the others, he was protective of the girl, so that she would reach Emperor Emhyr var Emreis safe and sound.[1]

He was described as a middle-aged but still robust man with a scarred face. When riding, he wore a helmet with birds' wings, keeping in Nilfgaardian uniform, and when he issued orders, he spoke the Common Speech fluently, with a marked accent, similar to that of the elves, although he also spoke Nilfgaardian.[1]


Finding Ciri[]

In July 1267, several days after finding the girl in the Suchak valley, along the riverbank, from the bounty picked up in Amarillo, they were approached by members of the House of Varnhagen, the sworn enemy of the Sweers family. The knight's squire was quickly killed by Two Tusks, who Sweers avenged in several blows resulting in Two Tusks falling from his horse and being trampled. His ally, the Blue Knight charged the Nilfgaardian, and eventually Sweers was able to hit him in the head and cause him to, like Two Tusks, fall of his horse and be trampled. Finally Sweers' horse threw him off as well, leaving him to bleed out on the ground from his sustained injuries.[N 1][1]



External links[]

  • Gwent icon See the GWENT standalone game version card: Sweers


  1. It is implied Skomlik may have killed Sweers before he succumbed to his injuries to avoid possible witnesses.

