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Battles are won or lost by the commanders, not by sorceresses.
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- Sabrina to the Draug, The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings
Audio version: Media:Sabrina Glevissig voice line.ogg

Sabrina Glevissig of Ard Carraigh was a Kaedwenian sorceress and an advisor to King Henselt, as well as a member of the Lodge of Sorceresses.[1] She was related to Jade Glevissig, another famous sorceress.[2]

Quick Answers

What is the relationship between Sabrina Glevissig and Jade Glevissig? toggle section
Sabrina Glevissig and Jade Glevissig are related, with Jade being a descendant of Sabrina. Both are notable figures in the world of magic, with Sabrina being a Kaedwenian sorceress and an advisor to King Henselt, and Jade being a famous graduate of the academy Aretuza.
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What role did Sabrina Glevissig play in the court of King Henselt? toggle section
Sabrina Glevissig served as an advisor to King Henselt in the Kaedwenian court. However, her role was more symbolic, akin to a display of power, rather than a source of advice. Despite this, Sabrina was not one to stay silent and often made her voice heard, even if it meant shouting over the king or pounding her fists on the table. Over time, she earned Henselt's recognition, but she never forgot the initial insults and disdain she faced. Eventually, when the opportunity arose, Sabrina betrayed King Henselt.
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How did Sabrina Glevissig's friendship with Yennefer of Vengerberg evolve over time? toggle section
Sabrina Glevissig and Yennefer of Vengerberg's friendship began during their studies to become sorceresses. They were close friends and colleagues by 1249. However, their relationship evolved into a rivalry over time. This rivalry was evident during the Grand Mage's Conclave on Thanedd in June 1267, where they exchanged both courtesies and hidden insults. Despite their rivalry, their shared experiences and history kept them connected throughout their lives.
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What was Sabrina Glevissig's involvement in the Grand Mage's Conclave on Thanedd? toggle section
Sabrina Glevissig, a prominent Kaedwenian sorceress, played a significant role in the Grand Mage's Conclave on Thanedd. She was one of the attendees at the banquet for the Conclave on Thanedd Island. During the event, she interacted with various other mages, including Geralt of Rivia. However, the Conclave took a dramatic turn when Sabrina and Radcliffe arrested Vilgefortz for treason. This event, known as the Thanedd Coup, marked a significant turning point in the history of the Brotherhood of Sorcerers.
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What is the significance of Sabrina Glevissig's education at the magical school of Aretuza? toggle section
Sabrina Glevissig's education at the magical school of Aretuza was a pivotal part of her life and career. It was here that she was initiated into the world of magic by the sorceress Tissaia de Vries. Sabrina, along with other girls, learned to tap into magic and understand its dangers. This education laid the foundation for her to become a respected sorceress and a member of the Brotherhood of Sorcerers. Her time at Aretuza also led to her specialization in the creation of magical potions, despite her personal allergy to them. This irony added a unique twist to her character and reputation.
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Early life[]

In the 1180s, Sabrina was studying at the magical school of Aretuza on Thanedd Island. She made friends with the young Yennefer of Vengerberg and their relationship would develop into a rivalry of sorts, though later both feigned friendship with each other, but privately claimed to be the younger of the pair, taking offense at being called each others' former classmate. The two graduated in 1186, and Sabrina would go on to become a royal advisor at the court of King Henselt of Kaedwen.[2][3]

First Northern War[]

In 1263, during the First Northern War, Sabrina travelled with the Brotherhood of Sorcerers to Lower Sodden, where they fought alongside northern armies, including the Kaedwenians, in the Battle of Sodden Hill against the invading Nilfgaardian Army.[1]

Thanedd coup[]

In June 1267, she was invited to the Grand Mage's Conclave on Thanedd, and arrived on the last night of the month, the night of the banquet. At the beginning, she talked to Yennefer with her company, the witcher Geralt of Rivia, and the two exchanged some courtesy as well as hidden insults and parted ways. She then later talked with Marti Södergren about Geralt, who stood near them and could hear what they're saying. They talked mainly about his relationship with Yennefer and how they didn't understand how he could date her. Sabrina then said that if she had the chance she would bed him even on rocks; going as far to eavesdrop on his conversation with Dorregaray of Vole.[2]

After everyone was fast asleep, she joined her Northern allies in the early hours of dawn, and started to arrest the traitors allied with Nilfgaard. As Radcliffe and her were leading a dimeritium-shackled Vilgefortz out of his room, his assistant Lydia van Bredevoort attacked them from the side, though in the scuffle Lydia was killed by her own blade, likely at Vilgefortz's orders. Sabrina, Triss Merigold and Radcliffe were dealing with her body when Geralt was brought in. She was then sent by Philippa Eilhart to get Marti Södergren out of bed, as Hen Gedymdeith was dying and needed treatment.[2] After summoning Marti, and Hen Gedymdeith's death, Sabrina would fight Vilgefortz and his associates, and would somehow manage to escape the island.[1]

First meeting of the Lodge of Sorceresses[]

On August 5th, Sabrina was one of the few sorceresses invited to Montecalvo by Philippa to attend a meeting and officially form the Lodge. Sabrina was at first spiteful toward Francesca Findabair for betraying the Brotherhood and siding with Nilfgaard during the coup. She also expressed her distrust against Assire var Anahid, due to her belief Assire was spying for Emperor Emhyr. Amongst these accusations, she also questioned if Philippa was spying for Sigismund Dijkstra, due to their history as lovers.

Philippa then revealed that the Lodge would be formed only by women, Sabrina suspecting this was due her newfound sexuality, though she then also stated that men were indeed mentally unstable for the group, subjecting to emotions too often and under critical circumstances non-reliable.

Sabrina, afraid that the Lodge would require becoming apolitical, warned everyone that she would not give up her political influence. Mainly because she served Henselt, but also because Nilfgaard would hunt down the sorceresses for the loss in the Battle of Sodden Hill. She then unintentionally insulted Assire for her looks by stating her thoughts on the appearance of Nilfgaardian sorceresses, and then the group finally conglomerated and agreed to work together.[1]

Second meeting of the Lodge of Sorceresses[]

Sabrina attended the second meeting of the Lodge in Montecalvo, at the beginning refusing to eat oysters, and stating that she preferred sliced, cold venison with plums. In response to the comment, the dish was immediately brought out by Philippa's magic. When Francesca teleported in, accompanied by Yennefer and Ida Emean aep Sivney, Sabrina hatefully stated that only Vilgefortz was missing, as a toxic note against Yennefer.

The meeting started by discussing the events of the war and current world troubles. Sabrina declared that for preserving the future of magic, they should mainly serve the purposes of sorcerers, meaning their role in society and service to their allegiances would peel back, and the people would understand the necessity of magic and sorceresses.[1]

Hunting Vilgefortz[]


Finding Ciri[]


Appearance and personality[]

She was known for her vivid beauty, fiery temperament as well as forceful and blunt nature, and was rumored to be able to interrupt the king by thumping her fist on the table and yelling that he should shut up and listen - and he would indeed shut up and listen.[2]

She often wore provocative outfits to underline her predatory beauty. She had dark eyes and long dark hair, and a slightly larger hooked nose, which, together with her predatory dark eyes made her resemble the classical portrayal of a witch. To the ball on Thanedd, she wore a black chiffon blouse and a crimson skirt with a side slit that went up to the hips, which she matched by her diamond and onyx earrings.[2] For the first meeting of the Lodge, she wore a turquoise dress with a provocatively plunging neckline and a large, lace, standing-up collar, beautifully framing her coiffured hair, which was held in a diamond tiara.[1]

The Price of Neutrality premium module[]

Sabrina appears in this premium module for The Witcher, originally released without voices in April, then re-released as part of the The Witcher: Enhanced Edition in a fully voiced version in September 2008.

Based in the surroundings of the Kaer Morhen stronghold, The Price of Neutrality finds Geralt coming back to the witchers base of operations for the winter. Coming across a small camp near the stronghold, Geralt meets a nobleman and Sabrina Glevissig, who are trying to find a young woman staying in the stronghold.

Born under the Black Sun and prophesied to ruin the world, Deidre is Eskel's surprise child and the sister of the nobleman who wants to make sure she will not have the crown. Sabrina wants to kill her as well to examine her body and discover the truth about the Black Sun — being a witcher, Geralt has to choose who he sides with.

Sabrina stays in her very luxuriously appointed tent in the camp across the ford from the keep. She uses a particularly impressive illusion to bring her interior décor up to her standards. This décor also includes a "boy", actually a young man, presumably conjured to help her while away the lonelier times as she waits for Deidre to be delivered to her. She also dabbles in sales.

Sabrina buys and sells:[]

and she will buy wolf pelts, basilisk hides, books and most potion ingredients.

Associated quests[]

Journal entry[]

Sabrina Glevissig is one of the most powerful and influential sorceresses in the Northern Kingdoms. She lives in Ard Carraigh, Kaedwen's capital, acting as an advisor to King Henselt. The sorceress, who is sometimes unceremonious and quick to judge, is justly called the "true daughter of the Kaedwenian wilderness." She often underlines her somewhat predatory and vivid beauty by donning provocative outfits.
Sabrina arrived at Kaer Morhen while pursuing Deidre Ademeyn. She suspects the girl of being a mutant affected by the Curse of the Black Sun, which renders her a monster, a serious threat to the human race. To prove this contention, the sorceress must capture Deidre and subject her to detailed testing.

Inconsistencies with the books[]

"The Price of Neutrality" takes place before the Witcher saga, even though in the books Geralt first met Sabrina on Thanedd Island, in Time of Contempt.

The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings[]

Sabrina Glevissig

Sabrina Glevissig is a secondary character in The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings.

Associated quest[]

Journal entry[]

The sorceress Sabrina Glevissig was from Ard Carraigh, the capital of Kaedwen, and had been King Henselt's advisor. The reader, however, should not be deceived by that term – this true daughter of the Kaedweni wilderness was famous for her determination and temperament. There was no exaggeration to the rumors that on many occasions she would interrupt the King, thumping her fist on the table and yelling that he should shut up and listen - and the King would indeed shut up and listen. Sabrina Glevissig's predatory nature was paired with an equally predatory beauty, which she emphasized through appropriately chosen attire. Add to that the power she commanded as a sorceress, and it should become clear to what she owed her strong position not only in Kaedwen, but also beyond its borders.
This position could not protect her from the king's wrath, however, and when she failed Henselt one time too many, the sorceress ended up at the stake, where her life ended.
If Geralt chooses Roche's path during the end of chapter I:
Sabrina cast a curse on the monarch and the battlefield with her dying breath. Many years later we were to feel the effects of this malediction.
Sabrina had become a martyr in the eyes of some soldiers, thus possibly achieving greater esteem in death than she had enjoyed in life.
It cost Geralt a great deal of sweat, but he finally found a solution to the problem. Sabrina's spirit finally found solace, and the curse she had placed on Henselt was lifted.

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt[]

There is a gwent card with her name. It is part of Geralt's initial base deck for Northern Kingdoms.


  • A notice board posting in the Blood and Wine expansion advertising cheap relics lists "a charred bit of kindling from Saint Sabrina Glevissig's pyre," suggesting that religious veneration of Glevissig has spread considerably since the events of The Witcher 2.




External links[]
