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Noble Houses of Toussaint: Volume LVII is a book in the Blood and Wine expansion.

A copy of it can always be found during Extreme Cosplay, next to a stone bench inside Doren Alma Estate, though it's not part of the quest and can be found in other places as well. It only provides historical Toussaint lore.

It can also be found as random loot on bookshelves in houses around Toussaint, or purchased from the Ducal Camerlengo.

Journal entry[]

Sangreal (alternatively Sang Real, literally Royal Blood)
The legendary line which some trace back to the first lords of the lands now lying in Toussaint and northwestern Haakland. The first mention of Wilhelm the Bold, this line's founder, comes from elven manuscripts found during reconstruction of the Beauclair palace in 1095. Since this source, like all things elven, is unreliable and should not be taken into consideration by historians, the existence of House Sangreal must be considered a mere fable.
Salvaress (or Salvarez), di, of the regulus platinum crest. This line takes its name from Salvar the Lame, who was made a count in the year 1189 by Duchess Caroberta for his service to the ducal throne. The di Salvaress line's crest depicts a regulus platinum, one of the so-called silver basilisks whose existence is highly suspect, its classification as a species considered erroneous by most zoologists.
Toricella of the Two Towers crest. An ancient line whose founders most likely first settled the lands of present-day Toussaint around the year 984. They waged fierce war against the elves until the 6th decade of the 11th century, when all of what is now Toussaint fell under human control.

Associated quest[]
