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Nastrog is a fortified town in Verden, one of three strongholds on the border with Cintra along the north side of the Yaruga, the other two strongholds being Rozrog and Bodrog.[1]


Ervyll's reign[]

In 1263, the three fortresses provided a natural defense for Verden to the First Nilfgaardian Invasion.[1]

In July 1267, after King Ervyll's decision of fealty to Nilfgaard during the Second Northern War, the three fortresses were occupied by Imperial troops, and garrisons built in each. Godyvron Pitcairn was put in command of Nastrog's, and on the 3rd of the month, after receiving news of Rience and Count Cahir aep Ceallach's failed mission to capture Ciri, he was visited by Schirrú and Nazarian, who presented him with a false Cirilla. He then sent the girl to Loc Grim, to meet Emperor Emhyr var Emreis.[2]


