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Tw3 achievements bookworm unlocked
"Do you really wish to know?" — Spoilers from the books and/or adaptations to follow!
Tw3 achievements bookworm unlocked

Kurt Dysart was a Temerian nobleman and Count of Anchor in 1272, and had recently acquired the Moldavie Residence while he was in Novigrad.


He acquired the property at an unbelievable deal, having been approached by a presumed mage's widow who wished to sell her husband's estate. However, it turned out the house had a major problem: something was causing it to tremble and quake and nearly bringing the house down with it. Not one for superstitions though, Kurt felt it was something more sensible and thus tried to find a witcher to help him with his house problem.

If Geralt helps him: It was soon discovered that in fact Kurt was right: instead of being a haunted house, one of the previous house owners had been a mage who kept an earth elemental, Therazane, hidden in some elven ruins below the house. On learning Geralt had dealt with it, Kurt was delighted to not only solve the problem but now had an extended cellar to use.

If Geralt knocked down the wooden supports: Unfortunately for Kurt, as the renovations were going on, he went into the new cellar to inspect it personally when the ceiling collapsed, killing him instantly.

Associated quest[]
