Witcher Wiki
Witcher Wiki

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Ye think I'm afear'd o' ye, witcher?!...I'll cut the beast's head off, then roll yours in the dirt after.
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- Jula to Geralt; pg. 305 The Witcher Library Edition Volume 2

Jula was a Skelliger woman who lived on an unknown isle during the 13th century.[1]


After her mother's pigs were stolen by an unknown entity, Jula and a fellow warrior tracked it through the woods near their village. They quickly found her mother, the witcher Geralt of Rivia, and a nekker. As it was revealed the nekker was responsible for the pig's disappearance and Geralt was hesitant to kill it due to the creature's timid nature, Jula stated she would kill him too if the witcher got in the way of her hunt. Seemingly from nowhere, the nomadic mage Paco Barbloes appeared, also wishing to be the one to slay the beast. As they got locked into a standoff and the pig suddenly squealed, Jula's partner shot his crossbow out of fright, the bolt piercing right through Paco's neck and causing him to shoot a fireball at Jula's head and explode it in flames.[1]


