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Gus Meyer was a woodcarver in Novigrad in 1272.


Gus owned the woodcarving workshop "Meyer and Meyer" in partnership with his brother Fabian. In 1272, they began carving wooden statues that represented the old gods but had large busts, which offended a serial killer, the so-called Concerned Citizen, who tortured and murdered Fabian while Gus was away on a business trip to Oxenfurt. Gus was already returning to Novigrad when he spotted a large plume of smoke rising above the city and was stunned to discover that it originated from his workshop which was in total disarray. Following this incident, Gus bought a pair of vicious guard dogs, named Mauler and Striga.

If Geralt investigates: Geralt dropped in as the same serial killer had nearly killed Priscilla and thus was trying to learn more about the killer's methods to track him down. Gus informed Geralt about his brother's tendency to put larger busts on the statues before informing the witcher he planned to sell the workshop and move back home to Mahakam to be closer to the rest of his family.

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