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Tw3 achievements bookworm unlocked
"Do you really wish to know?" — Spoilers from the books and/or adaptations to follow!
Tw3 achievements bookworm unlocked

Fabian Meyer (died 1272) was a victim of the so-called Concerned Citizen, a serial killer who targeted those in Novigrad they deemed sacrilegious in the name of the Eternal Fire. A woodworker by trade, Fabian had been making religious statues with large busts, something that displeased the killer. His injuries included coals in his eyes and a salamander egg in his chest, both allegories to the Eternal Fire.

If Geralt chooses to help Dandelion in 1272 by finding the person who attacked Priscilla, Joachim von Gratz will recommend doing an autopsy on Fabian's body that was attacked in a similar way.

Associated quest[]


  • It is possible to see Fabian alive before the Carnal Sins quest, if one jumps into the dwarves' locked workshop from the Butcher's Yard theater. He is wearing a red vest and is standing next to his brother, though they can't be interacted with.