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Tw3 achievements bookworm unlocked
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Tw3 achievements bookworm unlocked

Molnar Giancardi was a dwarven banker and the owner of the Giancardi Bank in Gors Velen.[1]


Living in Vengerberg[]

In the early 13th century, during the Vengerberg pogrom against nonhumans, Molnar and his family were saved by Yennefer. Because of this, Molnar provided assistance to the sorceress in any way he could. He stored and delivered letters to Yennefer, and offered her unlimited credit with no interest.[1]

Meeting Ciri[]

In June 1267, he made a 1,500 oren donation to the Temple of Melitele in Ellander, made an anonymous 2,000 Novigradian crown payment to the school of Aretuza for Ciri's tuition, and provided Yennefer with a banker's draft worth 500 crowns, all done at the request of Yennefer herself. He also offered to cancel a debt worth 100 crowns incurred by Geralt in Dorian, but Yennefer objected and instead proposed that he raise the payment for Geralt's contract in Hirundum.[1]

Appearance and personality[]

Overweight and modest, Molnar dressed in expensive fabrics with a golden chain around his neck.[1]

