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COA Giancardi

The Giancardi Bank is a financial institution which has its main branch in Gors Velen, owned and operated by the dwarf Molnar of the Giancardi family, though other family-owned branches exist in Kerack, Novigrad, and Tretogor. The majority of staff there are subservient dwarves, though not all, recognized by their identical uniform.[1][2]


Tax fluctuations[]

In 1266 and early 1267, poll and winter billeting taxes increased for the banker's, as well as higher charges for nonhumans. Such increases saw a 40% profit rate for the bank, the Royal Treasury taking 60%, as well as a "tenth groat" levy, where Molnar was forced to donate one out of every tenth groat to the crown. In total the branches ended up paying the North six hundred marks a year.[1]

Funding Yennefer[]

In June 1267, Molnar, at Yennefer of Vengerberg's request, made a 1,500 oren donation to the Temple of Melitele in Ellander, an anonymous 2,000 Novigradian crown payment to the school of Aretuza for Ciri's tuition, and provided Yennefer with a banker's draft worth 500 crowns, all done at the request of Yennefer herself. He also offered to cancel a debt worth 100 crowns incurred by Geralt in Dorian, but Yennefer objected and instead proposed that he raise the payment for Geralt's contract in Hirundum.[1]

Branches and employees[]


The family's coat of arms has been created by wiki editors based on the illustration from Wiedźmin: Gra Wyobraźni.

