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Get Junior is a main quest in The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt.

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After learning that Dandelion was on the run from Whoreson Junior, and that the crime boss may know of the bard's whereabouts, he set out to find him.


Head to Sigismund's Bathhouse further north in the city and you'll be greeted by a voice telling you to leave. No matter how you answer, a short time later Happen will open the doors for you as Sigi Reuven has agreed to meet you.

You'll need to change first, so choose any of the wardrobes which will leave you in just a towel. With that, follow Happen through the bathhouse to the private room in the back and open the doors to greet none other than Dijkstra and the other 2 Big Four members: Francis Bedlam and Carlo Varese (Cleaver). Clearly they're not happy with Whoreson Junior. Before you can talk much, a number of Whoreson's henchmen attack, so kill them off before you can continue your talk.

After a bit of a long discussion, answering how ever you want, you'll be able to talk to Dijkstra in private where the past is brought up for a bit before you can talk about Junior. Dijkstra will eventually point you to 3 locations: a casino, arena, and Junior's house. The conversation will then turn to the current events if you wish to discuss that with him, but otherwise you can exit out of the discussion. Note that you'll need to eventually ask about Dandelion to start the other main quest, Count Reuven's Treasure. Regardless, once you have the information you need on Junior and exit out of the conversation, you'll earn 150 XP earned based on the Story and Swords! difficulty level.

Visiting the three locations can be completed in any order, and if you want to do the secondary quest The Gangs of Novigrad, you can go and talk to Cleaver.

Important: if you attack or ask about Whoreson Junior at any time while visiting the arena and casino, you will not be able to use a secret passage later. The same applies if you get Cleaver's help, although a workaround is possible for that in the casino.

Junior's house[]

When you arrive at Junior's house, you will find that Cleaver's men have already raided it. You only have to examine 3 "clues" for Geralt to conclude that the place has been scrubbed clean and there's nothing to be learned here.


Head to the arena, where just south of the entrance you may run into Zdenek being killed by Junior's thugs. You can loot his corpse to find a certificate, and doing so unlocks the option to enter by impersonating him. However, don't do that if you wish to enter by other means as it will fail an objective.

At the entrance itself, there are two guards with whom you have the following options:

  • If you have the certificate, impersonate Zdenek
  • Pay them 100 Oren3 (earning 10XP earned based on the Story and Swords! difficulty level)
  • Use Axii (requires Delusion level 2 for a minimum of 35XP earned based on the Story and Swords! difficulty level)
  • Threaten them (start a fight)

You can always enter peacefully and start a fight after, including if you want to do The Gangs of Novigrad here. Eventually you'll have to kill everybody inside anyway, so a direct attack saves time, but going the peaceful route can unlock an additional option later.

Unless you attacked, you will now have to talk to Igor and pretend to look for work as a bodyguard, or be attacked if you deviate from that plan. He will want to test your skills in the arena and after you agree, it's time to fight for the crowd's entertainment. Your first opponent will be Gustav Roene, who will plead for mercy when beaten. If you spare him he will help you in the remaining fights, but you'll have to face an additional 3 dogs first. Your next opponents will be the "Hairy Brothers" (Skellige warriors), followed by a Wyvern, 2 Endregas (drone and warrior, though identically labeled) and finally a bear named Boris. Once the bear is defeated Whoreson will finally appear, but Cleaver's dwarves storm the arena before you can talk much and Junior orders you killed.

Regardless of how you played it until now, the rest is the same and you have to kill every last one of Whoreson's men, only your starting position differs. During this, you kill Igor as well, and you have to loot his body for a key, which opens a box next to his "throne". Reading the note you find inside, you now have to search for a stash using your Witcher Senses. You will find it on the bottom level, near the arena, where Geralt will notice dragging marks on the floor. Interact with the torch on the wall there (don't just ignite it) to open the hidden door with the stash inside. Loot the chest to find a mysterious letter and with that, your job at the arena is done.

Reading the letter reveals that Junior has been working for Radovid and directs you to Dijkstra. (150XP earned based on the Story and Swords! difficulty level) Note: pursuing this lead to its end will fail the objectives for the other two locations, if not already completed.


When you get to the casino, you will have several choices to deal with the guards:

  • Propose to make a deal (this will lock out the bribing option when you speak to them again)
  • Threaten (this will initiate a fight)
  • Pay 200 Oren3 (earns 20 XP earned based on the Story and Swords! difficulty level)
  • Use Axii (requires Delusion level 2 for a minimum of 35XP earned based on the Story and Swords! difficulty level)

Similarly to the Arena, you can always enter peacefully and attack or call Cleaver's dwarves afterwards if you wish, but going the peaceful route can unlock a secret passage later and you can earn more Oren3 by playing Gwent in the meantime.

If you wish to go the peaceful route, make your way to the second floor and approach the gwent players. You have to beat 2 of them before a cutscene triggers and the dealer invites you to a "high stake room" upstairs. If you refuse his invitation twice, he calls the guards and the fight starts then and there. If you accept, you'll find yourself in an interrogation room and regardless of what you say, the fight just starts there instead.

Note: here it is possible to lure the last enemy to the top floor and freeze/stun them there so you can walk out and call Cleaver's dwarves. If you wish to do so, agree to go upsairs but DON'T talk to the tied-up halfling in the interrogation room. Once you call the support, enemies inside will respawn and have to be killed all over again, but you get to complete The Gangs of Novigrad.

As with the arena, the rest plays out the same - you have to kill everybody and only your starting position changes. When all of Junior's men are dead, go to the interrogation room on the top floor, where a tied-up halfling is. Talk to him to learn that Whoreson is working for the Redanians and this directs you to Dijkstra. Note: pursuing this lead to its end will fail the objectives for the other two locations, if not already completed.

Free the halfling to complete your objective (150XP earned based on the Story and Swords! difficulty level) and he'll promise you a reward from the King of Beggars, starting the secondary quest Honor Among Thieves.

Note: completing the objectives at the arena and the casino yields a bonus 150XP earned based on the Story and Swords! difficulty level.

The Redanian contact[]

Regardless of how you learn of Whoreson Junior's connection to the Redanians, you will be redirected to speak to Dijkstra about it. He will in turn direct you to Vernon Roche, who apparently has contacts with the Redanians.

If you haven't met Roche yet, a small cutscene will play where Hortensio will stop you from entering the hideout. Regardless of your choice here, Roche will walk out and give his permission for Geralt to head inside. After a brief greeting, Ves will also make an appearance before your can talk about Whoreson Junior. Roche will say that he is on his way to meet his contact at Oxenfurt Chess Club, and will have to meet him there. (150XP earned based on the Story and Swords! difficulty level)

Note: If you haven't yet explored Junior's house, casino or arena, this is your last chance to do so. Once you meet the Redanian contact, these objectives and the The Gangs of Novigrad quest will all fail if not already completed.

If you leave immediately you can ride along with Roche, but it's easier to just fast travel to Novigrad Gate. Once there, talk to Roche and head for the chess club. As you approach, a cutscene follows and the contact is nowhere to be found, but you meet Radovid instead. After some talk, he will reveal where and how to find Whoreson. Upon leaving, Vernon will ask Geralt for help regarding Ves which starts An Eye for an Eye. (150XP earned based on the Story and Swords! difficulty level)

Find Whoreson Junior[]

When you go to Whoreson's hiding place, there are two guards in front and what happens when you talk to them depends on your choices so far.

If you haven't asked about Junior or provoked a fight yourself so far, say you're a new guy bringing girls and they'll tell you about the secret passage. With that, go to the marked location and then through a short underground tunnel, which leads you into the cellar of Whoreson's house.
In any other case, the guards will recognize and attack you. Kill them off and loot a key from one of them to unlock the front door and make your way to the big house right ahead.

Regardless of how you got in, everyone inside the estate is hostile and you have to slay multiple of Whoreson's men before reaching the second floor of his house. There you will find a gruesome scene and at last, Whoreson Junior inside the room. Geralt can't help but rough him up before "kindly" asking to what happened to Ciri, which starts Ciri's Story: Visiting Junior.

Once Ciri's story is finished, you can kill or spare Junior before the quest ends and you get 500XP earned based on the Story and Swords! difficulty level regardless of choice. What you do here only changes a little flashback later in the game, but note that you MUST kill him in order to complete all objectives, as you get the "Kill Whoreson Junior." just as you reach the second floor.

This will also update The Play's the Thing, or start it if you haven't already. While the quest is complete here though, you still have to leave the estate. Even if you did use the secret passage, the grate door back there is locked now, so you have to leave through the front door and still deal with enemies you've avoided before.

As you exit, several Redanian soldiers approach and take you to Radovid, who wants Geralt to return the favor. This sequence will start and complete A Favor for Radovid, and subsequently start Redania's Most Wanted too.

Journal entry[]

Thanks to the lovely Priscilla, Geralt now knew Ciri and I had struck a deal with Whoreson Junior, one of the Big Four bosses of the Novigrad underworld. It seemed a simple matter of finding Whoreson, having a chat and getting out of him where to look for me. But in the Novigrad of the time nothing was simple, and nothing was as it seemed...
Fate is like a Novigrad prostitute - sometimes you get more than you bargained for. Geralt found Whoreson after a great deal of meandering, during which he realized the man he sought was scum of the worst variety. Because of Whoreson, Ciri had been wounded, I had landed in prison, and Dudu had been subjected to torture.
If Geralt kills Whoreson Junior:
It thus came as no surprise that, once he had the information he wanted, Geralt killed the heinous man without batting an eye. Having achieved what he set out to do and lanced a particularly loathsome boil on the skin of humanity while he was at it, he went forth to pursue his new leads.
If Geralt spares Whoreson Junior:
This man surely deserved death, yet Geralt decided the greater punishment would be to let him live in shame and agony. Having achieved what he wanted and brought justice to a vile man while he was at it, he then set off to follow his new leads.


  • Go to the bathhouse and talk to Sigi Reuven.
  • Get undressed and put your clothing in the dresser.
  • Follow Happen.
  • Defeat the assassins. (150XP earned based on the Story and Swords! difficulty level)
  • Find Whoreson Junior's hideout.
  • If looted Zdenek's body:
    • Pretend to be Zdenek to take part in the fights.
  • Visit Whoreson Junior's arena.
    • If entered peacefully:
      • Talk to Igor.
    • If agreed with Igor to fight in the arena:
      • Fight in the ring to prove you'd make a good bodyguard.
      • Defeat your opponent.
      • If spared Gustav Roene:
        • Kill the wild dogs.
      • Defeat your opponent.
      • Defeat your opponent.
      • Survive the fight.
    • Kill Whoreson's thugs.
    • Search the arena for information about Whoreson.
    • Read the documents you found.
    • Use your Witcher Senses to find a way to access the secret stash.
    • Search the secret stash.
    • Read the mysterious letter. (150XP earned based on the Story and Swords! difficulty level)
  • Find Whoreson Junior's casino.
    • If provoked the fight:
      • Defeat Whoreson's thugs.
    • If entered peacefully:
      • Play cards with the casino guests.
      • Defeat Whoreson Junior's thugs.
    • Search the casino for information about Whoreson. (150XP earned based on the Story and Swords! difficulty level)
      • Talk to the tied-up halfling in the casino.
  • Talk to Dijkstra about Whoreson's ties to the Redanians.
  • Talk to Vernon Roche in the partisan camp. (150XP earned based on the Story and Swords! difficulty level)
  • Meet Roche by the bridge in Oxenfurt.
  • Enter the chess club with Roche. (150XP earned based on the Story and Swords! difficulty level)
  • Get inside Whoreson's hideout.
  • Unless jumped over the walls:
    • Use the secret passage to reach Whoreson Junior's hideout.
  • If the guards attack you:
    • Kill Whoreson Junior's guards.
    • Search the guards' bodies.
    • Use the key to open the door to Whoreson Junior's hideout.
  • Search Whoreson Junior's residence.
  • Kill Whoreson Junior. (500XP earned based on the Story and Swords! difficulty level)


  • If you go to Whoreson's arena first, get the document but don't read it until you finish casino step. Reading documents from arena before clearing the casino makes an objective fail, so this is a way to manage a clean quest log.
  • Even if you don't have the option to go through the secret passage, the mission objective to use it will appear in the quest log as failed once you've interacted with the guards and enter the estate. To avoid this, one can jump over the walls without having talked to the guards, and the objective doesn't appear then. One good spot to do that is a shopping stall on the northeastern end of the estate. Also, don't bother trying the secret passage unless the guards tell you to use it, as it will be blocked off.
  • As you are able to meet up with Cleaver's men at any point before a fight breaks out or even by leaving one enemy at the casino, you can maximize your reward by going into the casino peacefully and profit by maximizing bets, then meet up with Cleaver's men to raid the Casino. This can net up to 350 Oren3 (200 Oren3 from gwent and 150 Oren3 from Cleaver).
  • Two additional documents related to this quest, but not appearing in gameplay, exist in the game files - information from SD and Whoreson Junior's letter to Radovid.
  • Accidentally or deliberately bypassing conversation with Radovid's guards (like using fast travel mods) upon exiting Whoreson Junior's compound will break the entire quest line starting with A Favor for Radovid. This can be fixed with the debug console by running the following commands at any point, which will immediately start Redania's Most Wanted. (Warning: you must be on the Velen/Novigrad map and ideally with your destination, Est Tayiar, well out of sight—it's best to start at the Novigrad Gate of Oxenfurt—otherwise the required NPCs will not spawn.) The console codes must be input before the start of The Isle of Mists, and the quest line must be completed before A Deadly Plot otherwise Reason of State (post The Isle of Mists) will not appear.
    • addfact(q302_completed)
    • addfact(q302_post_mafia_completed)
    • addfact(sq302_start)


  • Zdenek may become immortal and forever continue his fight with Whoreson's henchmen. This happens particularly if he's not seen before entering the arena.