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Tw3 achievements bookworm unlocked
"Do you really wish to know?" — Spoilers from the books and/or adaptations to follow!
Tw3 achievements bookworm unlocked

Big Quote Left
You say "tribute," I say "taxes." You say "thieves," I say "hard-workin' street clerks."
Big Quote Right
- Francis to Geralt

Francis Bedlam was one of the four underworld bosses in Novigrad in 1272, alongside Whoreson Junior, Sigi Reuven, and Cleaver.

On his search for Ciri, Geralt's travels finally take him to Francis' court, the Putrid Grove, a safe haven in Novigrad for mages, and those who had to flee the Witch hunters.

Journal entry[]

"The Free City of Novigrad had known no king's rule for nearly two hundred years. Francis Bedlam surely has this fact in mind when he anointed himself the King of Beggars, a title that mocked the pomposity crowned heads while simultaneously stealing a bit of said pomp for itself. Bedlam was a pragmatic man, a trait of great use in his profession, which involved managing a network of thieves, beggars, tramps and street urchins that tricked through every part of the city.
His contacts provided him with the freshest gossip and tastiest morsels of information, and the cut he took of his "subjects" earnings guaranteed a sizeable income for the maintenance of his "court" in the Putrid Grove.
Francis despised fanaticism and prejudice in equal measure, which meant that mages fleeing the witch hunter's pincers often turned to him for protection.

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