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TB brouver hoog

Brouver Hoog, controversial Elder of Mahakam who ruled for over two centuries

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It would be difficult to claim, however, that Hoog's policies are poor. For, owing to his decisive measures, the dwarves distanced themselves from the elves and don't fight alongside the Scoia'tael any more. And thanks to that the pogroms have ceased. Thanks to that there have been no punitive expeditions to Mahakam. Prudence in their dealings with humans is bearing fruits.
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- Emiel Regis Rohellec Terzieff-Godefroy to Zoltan Chivay, Baptism of Fire

The Elder of Mahakam, also known as the Elder-in-Chief[1] or rarely the headman of Mahakam, is an elected leader of all the dwarven clans who governs Mahakam absolutely for life. The kings of Temeria are officially titled lords of Mahakam but this has practically no effect on the internal or foreign politics of the mountain realm.

The elder's residence and the de facto capital of Mahakam is Mount Carbon, a veritable symbol of height in the Northern Kingdoms.


Considering each dwarven clan is headed by its own elder[2] or a group of elders (called "grandelders" at times), all of whom are gathered in the Clan Council, it can be assumed that the elder-in-chief is chosen by them.[1] It is currently unknown how the Mahakaman gnomes participate in the election, or if at all, as the elder's rule over them is rather theoretical.[2]

When a new elder is chosen, a tremendously huge feast with loads of different drinks and meals is held.[1] Afterward, he is given a total and almost unlimited control over all affairs of the state ranging from culture to economy[3] and last but not least, the military.[4]

Notable elders[]


  • It is possible that Rhundurin, venerated by dwarves for centuries, was an elder in his time.

