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Disambig icon This article is about the Nilfgaardian spy in Thronebreaker: The Witcher Tales. For the Nilfgaardian baron in The Hexer (TV series), see Eldar de Casteberg.
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An unknown Nilfgaardian military officer impersonated a Lyrian baronet Eldar at the beginning of Northern War II.


In 1267, he met Queen Meve at a crossroads northeast of Lord Clayton's residence. Reynard Odo quickly figured out who he truly was, due to the fact that the man he was pretending to be had just lost his father, and "Eldar" didn't know this.

The officer and his troops went to Rastburg Castle, asking for shelter there.

If Meve investigated: When Meve approached him, angry at him being a Nilfgaardian spy, a battle ensured, and the spy was killed.

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