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Tw3 achievements bookworm unlocked
"Do you really wish to know?" — Spoilers from the books and/or adaptations to follow!
Tw3 achievements bookworm unlocked

Durand Faucher-Plamondon de Savarin was a man who owned the Doren Alma Estate near Francollarts in 1275.


Every year, he and the rest of the Society of Friends got together and would re-enact a scene from the past where the last elven king of Toussaint, Divethaf, paid homage before the new human king, Ludovic. To try and make it as authentic as possible, the group even used ancient elven silverware, armor, weapons, and shields.

In 1275, Durand was able to obtain statues that had stood in Divethaf's palace. However, something went horribly wrong during the last reenactment and everyone save for Durand, who'd escaped and locked himself in a room, were killed by unknown spirits that came to life.

If Geralt helps solve the problem: Geralt found Durand hiding and, after discussion, stated to make the problem go away they'd have to re-do the events that led up to the spirits appearing. Together with a passing merchant, the three re-staged the events and the statues came alive and attacked once more. After the threat was neutralized, Durand revealed that he now understood what had happened: he'd recently obtained the statues and turned out they were actually golems, meant to awaken at Ludovic's words during an annual homage that Divethaf was to partake in. However, the elf had died before the next homage and thus his plan never came to fruition.

Associated quest[]
