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Clan Dahlberg is one of the dwarven clans of Mahakam.

The Hoogs and Dahlberg clans had an old quarrel over one mountain with two peaks at the border near Colshtock, arguing whose peak was higher.

If Meve accepts to measure the mountain's height: In 1267 however, as Queen Meve of Lyria and Rivia was passing trough the endlave she agreed to settle the dispute once and for all and measured both of the peaks with her acquaintance Gabor Zigrin. In the end, Clan Dahlberg's peak revealed to be two feet higher than Clan Hoog's one. Meve however didn't know if the right thing was to show the real result, thus standing against Brouver Hoog, Elder-in-Chief of Mahakam, or gaining his trust by altering the results.

Known members[]
