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Tw3 achievements friend in need unlocked
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Tw3 achievements friend in need unlocked

Cecil Burdon was the town Elder of Vergen at the time of the Third Pontar war and the uncle of Skalen Burdon.


Cecil was an advisor to Vergens town Elder and took part in the Second Lormark war when the Kaedweni army lead by Vandergrift crossed the Pontar (river) to conquer Upper Aedirn. Being part of the Vergen Dwarf unit he saw the duel between the Visitor and Seltkirk, witnessing the later being killed. In the ensuing chaos caused by Sabrina Glevissig's use of Melgar's Fire Cecil scrambled to safety as all the other participants in the battle did. He managed to survive the battle and return to Vergen.

When in Vergen he volunteerd to replace the previous Elder, who had been killed, no one opposed him and he thus became the town's new Elder. At some point after this he took in his nephew Skalen Burdon after his parents were killed in a Pogrom. Skalen's mother had made Cecil promise to remain sober to the end of his days, a promise he kept but also kept a secret. As town Elder he mostly managed the cities trade and finances, put up contracts on monsters and kept the town safe from threats.

Cecil supported the peasent rebellion started by Sakia the Dragon Slayerin Aedirn and allowed them use of Vergen. He followed Saskia in her attempt to defeat the invading Kaedwen army and establishing a free nation in the Pontar Valley with Vergen as it's capitol.

On Iorveth's path: Cecil was part of the war council that took place after negotiations with king Henselt broke down and a cursed fog decended upon the valley. During this meeting he voted in favour of allowing Iorweth and his Scoia'tael to stay and aid them in the war despite his deep dislike of them.

After Saskia's poisoning he helped the Witcher Geralt of Rivia in searching for the ingedients neccesary for the cure and the items needed to lift the curse. Guiding the witcher in his search with his deep knowledge of the area and it's history. When Geralt required acces to the harpy lair he turned to Cecil as his grandfather had locked it. After Cecil's initial refusal to open the lair and potentially endager Vegen the witcher used Cecil's secret to blackmail him into opening the gate. He would later also assist Geralt with his investigation into Olcan Grandemot when the peasants went after prince Stennis by providing Geralt with the location of the priets home. Cecil would participate in the defense of Vergen after the fog was lifted.

Cecil likely died during the battle as when the Pontar Valley was a free realm the position of Elder in Vergen was vacant and later filled by Barclay Els.[N 1]

On Roche's path: After the Kaedweni victory and conquest of Upper Aedirn, Cecil was hanged in Vergen alongside his nephew.

Journal entry[]

When we arrived in Vergen, we learned that the town's elder was named Cecil Burdon. This former dwarven miner was typical of his kin - realistic, substantive and possessed of a sober outlook. Vergen needed an administrator like that, so Burdon was, beyond all doubt, the right dwarf in the right place.

Associated quests[]


  1. The position of Elder in Dwarven custom is a position for life. Furthermore Cecil cannot be seen in the moments right after the battle nor in the epilogue cutscene which is the case for other characters.