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Big Quote Left
If anyone asks... You've not seen me.
Big Quote Right
- his parting words

The alchemist at the Crematory in the northeast of the Oxenfurt Gate was a mage in hiding, under the guise of an apothecary, selling a variety of alchemy ingredients, crafting components, as well as all base game runestones and glyphs, and the diagrams for them.

While he doesn't give a unique card, he will play gwent, using the Nilfgaardian deck.


In 1271, the alchemist attended The Summit at Loc Muinne, condemning Radovid V for his persecution of mages. Carduin ordered the alchemist beat and so, after the dragon attack, he chose to flee the city. He fled to the woods near Ban Gleán, surviving off roots. He then moved to Novigrad, where he started to beg, until he was noticed by the King of Beggars, who provided him work at the Crematory.

In 1272, if met by Geralt, he asked the alchemist whether he was selling potion ingredients, but the man lied, saying he was just an apothecary and not a mage, but Geralt saw through his lies, as he had seen the man at the summit at Loc Muinne.

