Where's My Water? Wiki

Where's My Water? is a game that was released on September 22, 2011 by Disney Mobile and developed by Creature Feep, the developers of the Jelly Car series. It has been released for iOS, Android, Windows Phone, Windows 8, WebOS, MacOS, Firefox OS and BlackBerry 10 operating systems and features the first original Disney app character, Swampy. Allie's Story, The Mystery Duck, and Cranky's Story can be purchased separately.

On September 14, 2013, the sequel was released- Where's My Water? 2


Story Swampy

Swampy's Story

In this main story, Swampy loves to take showers and he likes to be clean unlike most of the other alligators, however Cranky and his gang of alligators are rather sick of Swampy's ways and sabotage his pipe system. Because of this, the player's goal is to help Swampy fill his tub with water. There are 10 chapters in this story. The first six chapters were released in 2011 and the last four were released in 2012.

To complete the levels, the player must in each level find a way to get water into Swampy's shower pipe. He/she can use their finger to dig paths through dirt and also trigger objects by touching or moving them with their finger. Once the player has completed a level, the next level is unlocked. A player needs to fill 20 drops of water into the tub to win.

There are also ducks in the game. There are three of them in each level and to get them the player must direct 5 drops of water to them for the duck to be full of water. Ducks are necessary to unlock chapters, and a number of them must be acquired to unlock each new chapter (though the player can also buy the Locksmith Duck to unlock a chapter/all chapters immediately.) There are also other collectibles in the game that are hidden in the dirt. The player can simply find these collectibles by digging through dirt. These collectibles will unlock bonus levels. In the game, there are 5 types of fluids in a level: Water, Poison Water, Steam, Ooze, and Mud. Poison water can kill the Swampy Ducks like the rest can except for steam and water. If the player lets Poison Water, Ooze, or Mud enter Swampy's tub, the player will lose and will have to try again. If the player happens to lose all of their Water in the level, Swampy will look down in disappointment and the player will have to try again.

Story Cranky

Cranky's Story

On January 27th 2012, Cranky's Story became available in the full version of Where's My Water. The first five levels are free to play; however to get the other levels, the player will have to make a one-time in-app purchase for $1.99 USD.

In this story, Cranky wants to eat food, but the problem is that it is being covered by Algae. Because of this, the player must help Cranky and remove the algae, Cranky is the sewer's most hungry alligator.

Unlike Swampy's Story, which used Water, this time Poison Water is needed to remove the algae. Like Swampy's Story, the player can use their finger to dig through dirt or trigger other objects. The water makes the algae grow on Cranky's food, and Ooze makes rocks on the food. If the player runs out of Poison Water or gives Cranky Water or Ooze, he/she will lose and will have to try again. There are Cranky Ducks in this stage, similar to the Swampy Ducks, except they must be filled with poison water. Both clean water and ooze kill the ducks. Also, instead of collectibles in this story, there are Food Groups, where Cranky gives a culinary review on the food. Cranky Challenges are added, where players have to replay a Swampy or Cranky level with an added twist, such as avoiding all ducks. If the player fails a challenge, they will have to retry it. Once the player completes a set of Challenges (3), they unlock a bonus level.

Story Mystery Duck

Mystery Duck's Story

On June 2012, the Mystery Duck mode was introduced along with a new chapter, Out to Dry, which introduces Mud.

In Mystery Duck's levels (which are actually Swampy's levels, but with different ducks), Mystery Duck will either spawn a Mega Duck, ten Ducklings, or himself. The player's goal is to first fill the ducks in the level, then complete the level as usual, getting the water into Swampy's tub.

Story Allie

Allie's Story

On May 17th 2013, an update was released that added a new story associated with Allie. Allie is the sewer's most creative and talented alligator.

In this story, Swampy and Cranky built a special steam-powered pipe organ for Allie as a gift, but the only problem is that she needs Steam to run it. The goal in each level is to get steam to Allie so she can use her organ. This level also introduces Allie Ducks, which can be filled with steam to collect.

Like Cranky's Story and Mystery Duck, the whole pack needs to be purchased for $1.99, however the first 5 levels are free to play. There are 4 chapters, the first two released on May 2013 and the last two chapters released on September 2013.


App Icons


  • The icon briefly featured Swampy wearing a Santa hat during December 2011.
  • If you attempt to make purchases in the game when your account is disabled, a pop up will say "Your account has been disabled in the App Store and iTunes." and then "Whoops! Error occurred."
  • According to the lead designer of the game, Tim FitzRandolph (aka Walaber), the music was composed by David Luis Ortega.
  • There is a video of an unreleased prototype of the game.

External Links
