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The 2024 Developer Survey results are live! See the results


A tag is a keyword or label that categorizes your question with other, similar questions. Using the right tags makes it easier for others to find and answer your question.

These questions are about Linux in general – NOT specific to a particular distribution.  If the question just happens to be in a Linux environment, please specify your Linux distribution in the body o…
39034 questions
Questions specific to GNU’s Bourne Again SHell, as opposed to other Bourne/POSIX shells. For questions about Unix shells in general, use the /shell tag instead. For shell scripts with errors/syntax er…
26144 questions
Questions about shell scripts, executable files that are interpreted by a shell (bash, zsh, etc.).
16497 questions
Questions specific to the Debian official distribution (stable, testing, or unstable); if you are using a derivative of Debian (e.g. Mint, Ubuntu, Kali, etc), then use that distribution’s tag instead.
just because your system is running Ubuntu. Use it **only** if your question is somehow specific to Ubuntu only. Note that is specifically dedicated to …
13340 questions
The shell is Unix's command-line interface. You can type commands in a shell interactively, or write scripts to automate tasks. Use this tag for questions applying to /bin/sh and most compatible shell…
Manipulation or examining of text by programs, scripts, etc.
Questions specific to the CentOS Linux distribution. Use this tag if your question relates to how the CentOS distribution affects your problem; do not use it if you just happen to be using CentOS and …
SSH (Secure SHell) is a protocol for securely running commands on a remote computer. Use this tag for questions about configuring, using and trouble-shooting SSH client and server software.
A pattern-directed scanning and processing language.
Managing and using network connectivity on a unix system
sed is a command-line stream editor for filtering and transforming text.
The command-line is the interactive interface to your shell.
For questions pertaining to grep, a command-line tool for searching text patterns in files. Use this tag for questions about grep itself or questions about issues arising from using the grep command-l…
Arch Linux is a simple, lightweight, rolling Linux distribution aimed at keeping things simple. Use this tag for questions specific to Arch Linux. Do NOT use this tag for derivatives, such as Manjaro.
Manipulating files: copying, renaming, searching, analyzing, archiving, etc. For operating on text in a file, see /text-processing. For questions about the Files file manager (formerly Nautilus), see …
5004 questions
systemd is an alternative approach to SystemV and Upstart init daemons for Linux. It is intended to provide a better framework for expressing services' dependencies, allow more work to be done in para…
Fedora is a Linux distribution with a fast release cycle, maintained by a community and sponsored by Red Hat.
Permissions are the Unix way of controlling access to resources such as files, directories and devices and may be specified for an owner, group, or all users.
A script is a sequence of commands or instructions that are executed by an interpreter program rather than compiled into a standalone executable program.
A terminal is an environment for text input/output. Inside the terminal, one runs command-line and text mode programs (including shells).
Linux Mint is a Linux distribution based on Ubuntu aiming to be more usable out-of-the-box
Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) is a commercially supported Linux distribution.
A filesystem is a way to organize and store computer files with their data.
Questions about Linux kernel and Linux kernel related topics eg. implementation details such as system calls, kernel customization, etc. For Linux user space topics which do not involve kernel details…
Bootloader issues: what happens before the operating system itself starts.
Everything about Unix kernels: development, configuration, compilation, design, etc.
For questions pertaining to find, a command-line utility to search for files in a directory hierarchy. Use this tag for questions about find itself or questions about issues arising from using the fin…
Attaches a file system to a specified point in an existing filesystem hierarchy
For questions about the use, design, function etc. of APT (Advanced Packaging Tool), the standard software package management system for Debian and its derivatives.
Zsh is a shell with many advanced command-line and scripting features.
The X window system (commonly X Window System or X11, based on its current major version being 11) is a computer software system and network protocol that provides a basis for graphical user interface…
Disk partitioning is the act of dividing a hard disk drive into multiple logical storage units referred to as partitions, to treat one physical disk drive as if it were multiple disks.
Regular expressions are a means of matching a pattern of characters within a string.
2789 questions
iptables allow creation of rules to define packet filtering behavior. The most reliable way to provide an iptables ruleset in a question is with the output of (as root): iptables-save -c
Content related to computer security., i.e. content about policies, mechanisms, etc. needed make sure data is not leaked or corrupted and services available in all circumstances.
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