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Yucatec Mural - Shadow of the Tomb Raider

Yucatec Murals refer to special collectible murals found in Shadow of the Tomb Raider.

Deadly Earth Mother[]

Deadly Earth Mother - Map - Shadow of the Tomb Raider
Location: The Hidden City
Collection: Pantheon of Gods

A heavy-breasted woman wearing serpents around her wait. This is Coatlicue, whose name literally means "skirt of snakes." She's also called Teteoh Innan, "the mother of the gods." She gave birth to the moon and the stars, and had over four hundred children, including the sun god Huitzilopochtli, who was also god of war.

In addition to being a mother, she's seen as the devourer of all that lives. It's said that she was herself sacrificed to bring about this current age of creation.

First Contact[]

First Contact - Map - Shadow of the Tomb Raider
Location: The Hidden City
Collection: Conquerors

As it was foretold, heralded by the column of flame burning through the night, and the destruction of our temples, and the warnings of the weeping woman and the two-headed man, the strange warriors astride great deer, arrived with the rising sun. They murdered the weak leaders, and claimed the land and the people as their own.


Mirrors - Map - Shadow of the Tomb Raider

Inside the Challenge Tomb

Location: The Hidden City
Collection: Secrets and Lies

Turn mirror 1 to the left...

Follow the beam of light to mirror 2...

Direct mirror 2 across the chamber diagonally...

Return to mirror 1...

These seem to be instructions of some kind, but I can't make out the rest.

The Winged Serpent[]

The Winged Serpent - Map - Shadow of the Tomb Raider
Location: The Hidden City
Collection: Pantheon of Gods

Here's Quetzalcoatl, the feathered serpent. The Aztecs worshipped him as a force of nature, responsible for the wind and the rain. In his most wrathful tempers, these natural phenomena became extreme, acting to cleanse the earth and sky. Through that, he also became associated with justice, and with mercy.

According to one legend, he had misbehaved with his sister, and to atone for his shame, he set himself on fire. Then his ashes arose into the sky, and he became a god of light as well.
