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The Wraith Stone is an ancient artifact originally found at the tomb of the last Queen of Tiwanaku in ParaĂ­so, Peru. Later discovered by Amanda Evert, she used it to save her life when she was trapped inside the tomb.

The stone could be used to summon the Unknown Entity as well as to obtain some of its powers. The stone was primarily in the possession of Amanda Evert. The stone was temporarily in the possession of Lara Croft, who took it from Amanda after defeating the her in Bolivia. Lara kept it at her home, but Amanda eventually stole the Wraith Stone back to regain its powers.


The Wraith Stone was placed on a sealed, stone door in a central chamber in the last Queen of Tiwanaku's tomb an unknown number of years ago. It housed a malevolent, ghost-like entity that came to be known as the Unknown Entity. It was likely used a mystical safety measure for the queen's final resting place.

The Wraith Stone was first discovered in modern times in the tomb in ParaĂ­so, Peru by Amanda Evert and Lara Croft. They, and other colleagues, were excavating the tomb's underground caverns and rooms when a mysterious, dark presence was unleashed and began a rampage. Amanda and Lara were running from the demonic creature until they hit a dead-end in a central room in the tomb's chambers. Amanda noticed the Wraith Stone embedded in a giant, stone door. Hoping it would be a key to unlock the door, and to escape the entity chasing them, Amanda pried the stone from the door.

Just as the entity approached and lunged at the two, Amanda successfully pried the stone from the door and the entity disappeared into thin air. The tomb then collapsed and trapped Amanda in the flooding chamber. Lara left after attempting to hold a passageway open for Amanda, but to no success. Amanda, abandoned but still alive, learned how to use the stone soon after her entombment and discovered that it was inhabited by the same ghostly force that was stalking them previously. Amanda, somehow, and dubiously, tamed the wicked entity and used its powers to free herself and escape from the tomb sometime later.

Amanda and the stone were encountered throughout Lara's adventure as she searched for the legendary Excalibur. Amanda used the stone to summon and unleash her pet, the Unknown Entity, in Kazakhstan in an unsuccessful attempt to stop Lara from retrieving a piece of the fabled sword. She again used the stone to summon, and ultimately merge, with the Unknown Entity in Bolivia in a final attempt to stop Lara and use Excalibur for herself to activate the stone dais. Again, unsuccessful the Wraith Stone was drained of its power and exercised of the demonic entity after Amanda's loss. Lara claimed the stone for herself and took it to her manor in England for safe-keeping.

Amanda later retrieved the stone from Lara's manor using a Doppelgänger of Lara that she created with Jaqueline Natla. The doppelgänger retrieved the stone from a vault and destroyed Lara's home in an explosion. The stone was returned to Amanda shortly thereafter as her and Lara's next meeting showed Amanda brandishing the stone's powers against Mjolnir. Amanda was quickly betrayed by the doppelgänger and Natla and subdued before she could use any powers from the stone, however.

Amanda took the stone with her to the Arctic Circle after she followed Lara and Natla to the entrance of Helheim. She used the stone's power, herself this time, to save Lara from the doppelgänger's attacks and defend them both against an army of thralls in the depths of Helheim. As Lara was dismantling the Midgard Serpent and destroying Natla's plans, Amanda was pushed back by a wave of thralls. Her last attempt to hold them off was to create a barrier of energy to block them into a corridor. Natla attacked her and interrupted this action, allowing the thralls to chase Lara and Amanda in the cavern.

After Lara successfully destroyed the Midgard Serpent's machinery Amanda attempted to destroy boulders and debris that blocked their exit. At this point Amanda had exhausted the power of the Wraith Stone and was unable to sustain any use of its powers.

Amanda's last known use of the Wraith Stone was in a Nepalese monastery, just after the two escaped the Eitr-flooded cavern that housed the Midgard Serpent. She brandished it at Lara again, seemingly looking for an altercation. But, the stone, exhausted from her recent use of its power, faded quickly and went dormant for an unknown amount of time. The last known location of the Wraith Stone is with Amanda Evert in the Himalayas.

Powers and Abilities[]

The Wraith Stone was used in the last Queen of Tiwanaku's tomb to:

  • Summon and house the Unknown Entity for security and protection.

The Wraith Stone was used by Amanda to:

  • Summon the Unknown Entity (and merge with it)
  • Create bursts of shadowy energy
  • Create barricades of shadowy energy
  • Manipulate object/enemies with telekinetic powers


In-game appearances[]


  • It is unknown if the Unknown Entity was still able to be summoned after its defeat in Bolivia, as its incorporeal form was seemingly destroyed. The fact that it does not appear in Tomb Raider: Underworld may suggest so, but it's possible the stone could be used to obtain the entity's powers without needing to summon it.
  • In Tomb Raider: Legend the Wraith Stone was composed of a black skull-shaped rock with green markings, as seen in the picture. However, in Tomb Raider: Underworld, its design changed to one composed of a tear-drop-shaped rock with black skull markings joined to a translucent pink gem.