Lara Croft Wiki
Lara Croft Wiki

Lara Croft is back, but things have changed. There were a lot of mixed reactions when Crystal Dynamics announced they would be rebooting the Tomb Raider series and making a far more "realistic" Lara than past iterations. Now the dust has settled, how does the new femme-fatale measure up? Does the latest Tomb Raider game meet expectations?

Check out what the critics think below and chime in with your own thoughts in the comments and poll below!

Loved It[]



"Whatever the setting, however well-designed the tombs, however precise the controls, Tomb Raider wouldn't work if you didn't care about Lara. And at first, you don't. When the game begins, she's a bit of a killjoy, so obsessed with her work that she almost forgets how to deal with actual people. But once things get grim and she's forced to face the fact that help isn't coming, her humanity is touching to see. We see her in a way we never have before - vulnerable and real."[]

Game Informer[]


" Crystal Dynamics has nailed a pitch-perfect new vision for one of gaming’s most recognizable characters, and revitalizes her for what I hope will be many more installments. Whether or not you’ve embraced the previous games that went by this moniker, this is the time to take another look at Lara Croft."[]



"It is a superb action game that brings a new emotional dimension to one of gaming's most enduring icons, and repositions her alongside Nathan Drake at the top of gaming's action-hero heirarchy."[]



"Even if you've never been a huge fan of Lara Croft's fortune-hunting adventures, Tomb Raider is sure to impress. Its expert sense of pacing, captivating setting, and dark tone create a truly memorable experience that's further enhanced by an immense level of detail."[]



"It's cinematic yet open, intense yet laid-back, fresh yet polished. It's a near-perfect embodiment of the age of the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 with a hint of what to expect next."[]



"Tomb Raider retains its own identity, and much of that is down to its British heroine. Whether she’s huddled up against the cold or sending five men to their doom with an explosive arrow, this is still Lara Croft, one of gaming’s most distinctive heroes – and now she has a personality that extends far beyond the bounds of her bra straps."[]



For the series fanatic, there are loads of secrets to find and a new legend to digest. More importantly, it just may convince a new generation to like Tomb Raider again.[]

Thought It Was OK[]



It’s really hard to be excited about the future of Tomb Raider after this game. It fails where more successful films and games of its kind succeed: in its characters. The way in which Lara goes from inexperienced to full-on action movie hero survivalist is so jarring that it’s near impossible as a player to remain on the same emotional wavelength as the story.[]

Hated It[]

No middling reviews for DmC: Devil May Cry have been received yet.

Wikian Reviews[]
