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The Missionary is one of the Artifact Collections in Shadow of the Tomb Raider. It consists of four relics and four documents, located in Cenote, The Hidden City, and the Mission of San Juan.



Journal of T. Serrano[]

Journal of T Serrano - Map - Shadow of the Tomb Raider
Location: The Hidden City

24th of November, 1603

I accompanied Andres Lopez, a group of twelve soldiers, and two molossers, through the jungle. The directions the Jesuits provided to Trinity were excellent, so we discovered the hidden city with little difficulty.

The natives of the city welcomes us warily, but we plied them with gifts, and they reluctantly allowed us to enter the city, unaware of our true intentions.

Lopez has begun to search for the artifact, while we distract the city's leaders.

Journal of T. Serrano 2[]

Journal of T Serrano 2 - Map - Shadow of the Tomb Raider
Location: Cenote

26th of November, 1603

At dinner, Lopez asked me if I believed these heathens were worthy of the artifact's alleged power. I had to admit that the Paititians seemed noble and industrious, however their taut skin stretched tight over sinewy muscles, and lack of shame, made them more similar to beasts.

"And what of our leaders in the Society?" he then asked. "Should they be able to wave their perfumed and ringed fingers in any direction, and expect us to obey? To return and sit at their side when they beckon? Do they not treat us as inferior being? As beasts as well?"

I had no answer. What he'd said was heresy and treason, but in some way, I wondered if it wasn't the truth.

Journal of T. Serrano 3[]

Journal of T Serrano 3 - Map - Shadow of the Tomb Raider
Location: The Hidden City

29th of November, 1603

After dinner, Lopez left the city. I followed, worries he might not return. I found him standing by the riverbank, lips moving as through prayer. Not wishing to disturb him, I waited. As his communion with God must have lasted through the night, and I regret to admit I fell asleep, for the next thing I knew, Lopez stood smiling serenely over me, the morning sun behind him, creating a halo. He helped me to my feet and clasped me in a strong embrace.

"Truylos, I know where to find the artifact," he whispered in my ear.

Journal of T. Serrano 4[]

Journal of T Serrano 4 - Map - Shadow of the Tomb Raider

In the small cave at the foot of the waterfall

Location: The Hidden City

30th of November, 1603

With a local man as a guide, Lopez, the soldiers, and I set out from the city before first light. Just as well, as a terrible flu began to spread through the population.

Lopez is convinced this artifact does not lie in the city itself, but somewhere just outside. I asked if it was not somewhat hypocritical to enlist the help of those loathsome people.

"Do not loathe them," he said, "any more than you would these molossers. They are all creations of the Lord our God. As we are."

I told him I was stunned to hear him speak in this fashion, but he took my hands and we prayed. The energy of his faith ran from him to me, until I felt the chains of doubt fall from my heart.
