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Subjugating Paititi is one of the Artifact Collections in Shadow of the Tomb Raider. It consists of one mural, one photo, and six documents, all found in The Hidden City.




A King Sacrificed[]

A King Sacrificed - Map - Shadow of the Tomb Raider

The shadows loom long and dark, the mountain, black as night, in mourning, as the strangle pale men, end the short, but immensely productive life of Cayua Capac. He whose yearning for greatness lashed this city to his shoulders and carried it upwards. Who only ever asked for Inti to warm his brow as he worked - in the streams, fields, or brickyards.

Cayua Capac made a deal with the strange men, he gave his life, so that may live ours, free, but under the rule of these men from distant lands.

Disease and Death[]

Disease and Death - Map - Shadow of the Tomb Raider

We leave the city at first light, which is just as well, for a terrible disease has spread across it. Dead and dying line the paths, and choke the streams.

Many are saying it is punishment from the gods.

- Journal of Adelantado Perez

Lopez's Arrival[]

Lopez's Arrival - Map - Shadow of the Tomb Raider

We found their hidden city easily enough, the coordinates from Trinity being correct. The natives did not trust us, and we entered the city with spears at our necks. There was a tumult against the people. We later learned a cohort of Inca had arrived the month before. Lopez spun a tale of our desertion from the Spanish army, for our hearts could not fathom the destruction they had, and would continue to, cause. And we'd gladly exchange any or all of our goods for shelter, if only for a short while.

Reluctantly, they allowed us to remain in the city, on the condition we leave our armor and weapons in a small hut outside of the city proper. The men hesitates, and finally we agreed that two of us would remain outside, guarding the gear.

The Cult's Control[]

The Cult's Control - Map - Shadow of the Tomb Raider

The threat of the disease held at bay, we soon learned that Lopez had come and gone. Some of us began to suspect his betrayal, while others worries for his safety.

The only course of action was to remain in the city, the reasoning twofold: we'd be ready when Lopez came to his senses and returned the artifact, or this would be the easiest point from which to mount a search for him.

We struck an accord with the kind. We would become his royal guards, physicians, and priests.

The Cult's Promise[]

The Cult's Promise - Map - Shadow of the Tomb Raider

Dressed in our native garb, we entered the city. Those healthy enough to resists our advance met us with spears. We bowed and told them Kukulkan had sent us to cleanse the city of sickness. We administered balms and medicine to the city's leaders and those we thought worth saving, buried the dead, and comforted the dying.

Slowly the people came to trust, and soon, rely on our aid.

Trinity Arrives[]

Trinity Arrives - Map - Shadow of the Tomb Raider

Having not heard from Lopez, some among the leadership began to have their doubts about him. Our group dispatched South to investigate. We sent the natives in first, uncertain those in the city had not killed Lopez on his arrival. They returned with reports of how sick the city was, and quickly formed a plan to utilize this to our advantage.
