Lara Croft Wiki
Lara Croft Wiki
Shipwreck Beach
TR shipwreck-beach-map
Game: Tomb Raider (2013)
Previous Chapter: Summit Forest
Next Chapter: Cliffside Bunker

Shipwreck Beach is the seventeenth level of Tomb Raider (2013).


Located on the southwestern end of Yamatai, this large bay offered protection from the storms and acted as Imperial Japan's primary landing and staging area for island operations. Protected by a coastal defense complex and provided with reinforced harbors, it was eventually expanded to include a reinforced submarine pen right beneath the primary research bunker. However, efforts to secure it were in vain, as the destructive weather and the Oni eventually managed to isolate the Japanese forces and wipe them out. The derelict, beached FusĹŤ-class dreadnought remains as a testament to the Empire's vain attempt to harness Himiko's power, accompanied by skeletal vehicles on the beach itself, including a Type 97 Chi-Ha medium tank.


This locations contains:

  • 4 Camps
  • 2 Challenges
    • 5 Cairn Raider
    • 10 Mine Sweeper

More To Be Added


  • The ship where Lara Croft went to take a block and tackle, has a similar design to Davy Jones's ship, both textures and design.
  • A beached FusĹŤ-class battleship can be distinctly seen right next to the bunker where Reyes fixes an old patrol boat.

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